27th International Congress International Institute of Administrative Sciences Abu Dhabi, UAE, July Copyright © 2007 César Madureira & Miguel Rodrigues Portuguese public managers and administrative reform in the global context of competitiveness Workshop B Making globalization ethical: the 21st century public administration Miguel Rodrigues César Madureira National Administration Institute Portugal
27th International Congress International Institute of Administrative Sciences Abu Dhabi, UAE, July Portuguese public managers and administrative reform in the global context of competitiveness Conceptual considerations Public Administration as a pillar of globalised competitiveness and productivity; Public managers as main catalysts of the change process (reform); Trust (Institutional Loyalty) as the paradigm of the link between political power and administrative elite.
27th International Congress International Institute of Administrative Sciences Abu Dhabi, UAE, July Portuguese public managers and administrative reform in the global context of competitiveness Pre-1974: Public managers appointed for life; Late 1980s’: Politicians centralise administrative power; managers are recruited in private labour market; 2004: New performance evaluation system (top managers left out); management by objectives; 2008: Recycled performance evaluation system (top managers included, but through political appraisal). Portuguese administrative evolution Recruitment and performance evaluation
27th International Congress International Institute of Administrative Sciences Abu Dhabi, UAE, July Portuguese public managers and administrative reform in the global context of competitiveness New organisational and legal designs, privatisation and pseudo-privatisation in public service areas; Privatisation of labour relations in Public Administration; Creation of economic activity pools with very unique characteristics; Top managers are selected and evaluated within the political sphere. Public Service redesign
27th International Congress International Institute of Administrative Sciences Abu Dhabi, UAE, July Portuguese public managers and administrative reform in the global context of competitiveness The selection and evaluation of managers is a political and a managerial decision; Political decisions rarely take into consideration performance information; New performance evaluation system implies a top-down cascading approach; Intermediate managers In 2004, the new Public Manager Statute removes the competition procedure for intermediate managers; In 2005, the competition procedure is reinstated by the new government Top managers Appointed by the government Evaluated by the government (Mission Statements) Managers’ accountability
27th International Congress International Institute of Administrative Sciences Abu Dhabi, UAE, July Portuguese public managers and administrative reform in the global context of competitiveness Four types of accountability (Romzek, 2000) Managers’ accountability Legal Professional Hierarchical Political internal control and supervision dependant on political power performance evaluation and contract compliance practice expertise, intrinsic norms and working models modernisation process
27th International Congress International Institute of Administrative Sciences Abu Dhabi, UAE, July Portuguese public managers and administrative reform in the global context of competitiveness “Trust” factor at the origin of managers’ choice; Managers concentrate on institutional relationships and operational aspects of management; Need for a performance evaluation system with clear goals, indicators and success or failure criteria; To provide transparency and accountability to public management practices; To redirect managers’ focus onto effectiveness and efficiency. Final remarks