Local Government Pension Scheme 16 September 2009 PENSION LIAISON OFFICERS’ GROUP (PLOG)
Local Government Pension Scheme Welcome/Introductions David Broome – Head of Pensions Andy Cunningham – Employer Relationship Manager Nikki Barnes – Communications Manager
Local Government Pension Scheme Agenda 1.Welcome/attendance 2.New Annual Benefit Statements 3.Communications Strategy & Annual Report 4.Administration Strategy 5.Ill health guidance 6.LEAN review 7.The future of the LGPS: current consultations 8.Staffing/Committee update 9.Any other business 10. Dates/venue of forthcoming meetings
Local Government Pension Scheme New Benefit Statements Feedback from members and employers New design Expected release date
Local Government Pension Scheme Communication Strategy & Annual Report New communications strategy Annual report for year up to 31 st March 2009
Local Government Pension Scheme Administration Strategy Implementation Background and regulatory position Process: Draft Consultation Targets and responsibilities (e.g. producing employer discretion policy) Formal implementation Review
Local Government Pension Scheme Administration Strategy Past performance - Where we were Required turnaround times for data submission unclear for employers, members and Fund staff Forms frequently arriving a long time after the date of the new starter/change or leaver etc Some forms not received at all Prior to Lean in particular, some procedures were overly complex and forms were not clear Turnaround times and levels of accuracy known to be variable but not monitored
Local Government Pension Scheme Administration Strategy Present performance - Where we are now Lean (for LGPS) nearly complete – covering a complete review of administrative procedures We are now monitoring turnaround times and levels of accuracy for all main forms Targets drafted with reference to required turnaround times Initial statistics produced to illustrate current employer and Fund performance
Local Government Pension Scheme Administration Strategy Present performance - Where we are now Initial statistics for the period from to Retirements Average amount of days, in relation to when someone retires, that we receive the retirement form: Percentage of retirement forms received before member retires Average Fund processing time for retirements: 3 days before 1.3 days 50%
Local Government Pension Scheme Administration Strategy Present performance - Where we are now Starters Average time taken to receive a Starter form: Percentage of forms received within the following time frames (measured from their starting date): Percentage containing queries Average Fund processing time 20 working days30 working days40 working days 57 working days (2½ months) 4.3 working days 4% 43%68%76%
Local Government Pension Scheme Administration Strategy Present performance - Where we are now Changes Average time taken to receive a Change Form Percentage of forms received within the following time frames: Percentage of forms containing queries Average Fund processing time 20 working days30 working days40 working days 56.4 working days 1.2 working days 18% 57%67%72%
Local Government Pension Scheme Administration Strategy Present performance - Where we are now Leavers Average time taken to receive a Leaver form: Percentage of forms received within the following time frames: Percentage of forms containing queries: Average Fund processing time: 20 working days30 working days40 working days 59.2 working days 2.6 working days 17.1% 65.5%73.6%78%
Local Government Pension Scheme Administration Strategy Administration performance - Where we want to be Pension Administration Strategy in place and employers have agreed to actively work towards targets if they are not already meeting them Formalised employer contacts in place Significant progress being shown by employers, as necessary, with respect to the targets Long term goal: Wiltshire Pension Fund being able to provide a more accurate, up to date and improved pension administration service for our customers
Local Government Pension Scheme Ill Health Guidance Detailed CLG guidance – November 2008: CLG / FOM supplementary guidance for IRMPs – 28 July 2009: Guidance is very clear: –IRMP advises on “reduced likelihood of gainful employment” –Employer makes decision on Tier 1, 2 or 3 –Employer tells the Pension Fund, who implement decision
Local Government Pension Scheme Lean Review Review of all LGPS processes nearing completion: –Starters –Changes –Leavers –Retirements –Deferred into pay –Refunds –Linking (of multiple records) –Transfers –Deaths
Local Government Pension Scheme Lean Review What have we changed? –Processes of data collection from employers: New forms/e-forms Electronic data transfer from larger employers –Processes of how we handle work ourselves –Communication with scheme members: New user-friendly forms Redesigned “plain English” letters –Updates to website to reflect changes –Starter/retirement packs –Now collecting data on volumes and response times
Local Government Pension Scheme Lean Review Starting to realise benefits already: –Less queries –Lower error rates: On in-coming data from employers/members On our work too –Reduced workload –Better service to members –Better service to employers? –Statistical service data
Local Government Pension Scheme Lean Review – Still to do Working on full review of Starter pack to ensure members get everything they need up front: –Vital that these are reliably distributed to staff Electronic data transfer from large employers Post completion review of whole LGPS LEAN Exercise Will be moving onto Police Officers’ and Firefighters’ Schemes later in the Autumn Continuous improvement: –Your views always welcome on any process/admin issues you are facing
Local Government Pension Scheme The Future Of The LGPS: Current Consultations Two consultations from CLG – both close 30 September 2009 Governance Funding targets/financing plans Please respond if you feel appropriate 3 rd one expected on “The Future of the Scheme” (benefits package)
Local Government Pension Scheme Staffing/Committee Update New Pensions Manager: –Martin Summers –Starts 2 November 2009 New Wiltshire Pension Fund Committee: –4 new members from WC –“Spare” space on the Committee – nominations invited in respect of “qualified” persons from Colleges and/or Transferee Admission Bodies
Local Government Pension Scheme Any Other Business
Local Government Pension Scheme Dates Of Forthcoming Meetings To be confirmed for December and early next year.