Keeping the Customer First Joe McFadden Vice President, Marketing
Customer Care Managers Information Technology Managers Our patchwork of systems constantly cripples us: Changes take way too long and cost way too much Agents: my greatest asset, my biggest expense I have to offer multiple service options, but it’s unmanageable across multiple disparate systems I want to leverage customer CRM data, but I can’t afford the integration efforts Managing multiple centers, multiple systems, multiple networks and multiple platforms is overwhelming, there must be a better way If my business is interrupted for any reason, the biggest disaster is that I’ll lose my job Key Call Center Issues Roadblocks to customer service delivery
Best Practices in Routing Customers VoIP is the great enabler for customer service Reporting Business Rules Administration Service Levels Seamless integration of phone, , web Single platform Single view of customer Consistent treatment Pervasive CTI & Business Value Routing Routing based on multiple conditional criteria 100% CRM integration Integration of service models Dynamic routing decisions Optimized service levels Location independence Expanded agent pool Single distributed virtual center Based on dynamic agent variables VoIP is the Call Center Enabler
Internet WAN CRM Database Corporate LAN/WAN DSL WAN Contact Center Hub / Node Single, distributed call center Addresses key service delivery roadblocks WAN Multi-media on one platform Consistent routing workflows Consolidated reports Multi-site networking Best-agent routing across the enterprise – agents anywhere Single point of admin Consolidated reports Single network IP contact center solution - VoIP Major cost reductions to operations CTI Built-In -- CRM integrations within hours vs. weeks or months Standards based Fast, low cost deployment Fast, low cost integrations Contact Center Node PSTN
Rapidly Adapt to Business Conditions Customer Care Manager Challenge: FCC Mandates Flexible Payment Arrangements for Delinquent Customers During Katrina Solution: Lookup each customer in billing database and route all delinquent customers to a live agent during disasters vs. automated IVR payment application (normal operation). Result: Delinquent customers allowed to make payment arrangements during disaster vs. losing cell services for non-payment. Federal requirements met and large fine averted. Implementation: IVR configured in just 4 hours. Cost $0.
Know Your Customer Customer Care Manager Challenge: Customers with a valid package number needed a way to check shipping status automatically. Solution: Integrated ACD/CTI/IVR functionality checks the Kitty Hawk database for a valid package number and offers full package-tracking self-service or live agent assistance. Result: 87% of tracking and 90% of billing calls now handled by self-service. $120,000 per year saved in FTE productivity gains. Implementation: Self-service application completed in 3-days for less than $5,000.
Challenge: Network systems across 6 sites and 500 agents. Solution: Deploy a single, distributed Contact Center system including screen pops for home-grown CRM and Scopus. Result: First-site rolled out in CA. Average wait times reduced from about 100 seconds to <6 seconds the first day. Implementation: All functionality included standard as part of the system. Simplify / Lower Cost of Deployment Information Technology Manager
Challenge: Difficult and complex to manage over 300 peak agents across 4 sites with legacy ACDs. Solution: Deploy a single, distributed Contact Center across 3 sites in CA and 1 in KS. Leverage standard IT and networking support. Route to all available agents as a single virtual pool. Add support for additional contact center sites simply by adding additional nodes. Result: Simplified management of all locations. Implementation: All functionality included standard as part of the system. Single Point of Administration Information Technology Manager
Best Practices in Routing Customers VoIP is the great enabler for customer service Reporting Business Rules Administration Service Levels Seamless integration of phone, , web Single platform Single view of customer Consistent treatment Pervasive CTI & Business Value Routing Routing based on multiple conditional criteria 100% CRM integration Integration of service models Dynamic routing decisions Optimized service levels Location independence Expanded agent pool Single distributed virtual center Based on dynamic agent variables VoIP is the Call Center Enabler
Whitepapers “Compelling reasons for VoIP in the Call Center” “Migrating to a VoIP based call center system” “Considerations when choosing an IP-based call center system” “Total Cost of Ownership analysis for the NuContact Center system” “Worksheet for building a migration plan to the NuContact Center system”