South Dakota Department of Education Spring 2011
Outcomes of Webinar Understanding of purpose of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and why SD adopted the standards Understanding of professional development for the school year Reflect upon who should attend the workshop series Outline activities that participants could complete to prepare for the workshops
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) The Standards define the knowledge and skills students should have so they will graduate from high school to succeed in postsecondary education and careers. K-12 Standards Mathematics English Language Arts
Who Developed the Common Core State Standards National Governor’s Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), working with Achieve, ACT and the College Board, among others. State departments of education specialists and teachers, including those in South Dakota, were involved in an extensive feedback and review process. Released to the public on June 2, South Dakota BOE adopted these standards at their November 2010 meeting.
Why the CC State Standards Improve education of student Close the gap in preparedness for college and careers Prepare students to compete in global economy Shared understanding of what students are expected to learn, no matter where they live or how often they move
CC State Standards Timeline Professional Development New CCSS Assessment
Assessment Plan for Each Year Year Year Year D-STEP covers current SD standards -Districts would receive the same accountability report as usual Common Core Field Test Questions - Implement 20 questions for each content area based on focus standards - District would receive an additional report based on common core field test questions - Items are not part of AYP D-STEP covers current SD standards -Districts would receive the same accountability report as usual Common Core Field Test Questions - Implement 40 questions for each content area based on focus standards - District would receive an additional report based on common core field test questions - Items are not part of AYP D-STEP covers current SD standards -Districts would receive the same accountability report as usual Common Core Field Test Questions - Implement 40 questions for each content area based on focus standards - District would receive an additional report based on common core field test questions - Items are not part of AYP New Common Core Assessment
Future CC Assessment Common Core State Standards specify K-12 expectations for college and career readiness All students leave high school college and career ready Teachers can access formative processes and tools to improve instruction Teachers can access formative processes and tools to improve instruction Interim assessments that are flexible, open, and provide actionable feedback Summative assessments benchmarked to college and career readiness
Assessment System Components Assessment system that balances summative, interim, and formative components for ELA and mathematics: Summative Assessment Comprehensive assessment in ELA and math in grades 3–8 and 11 that supports accountability and measures growth along a learning continuum Computer adaptive tests with selected response, short- and extended- constructed response, and technology enhanced items (within 12 week window at end of year) Performance tasks (2 per year in each subject) Interim Assessment Optional comprehensive and content-cluster assessments Available throughout the year; non-secure allowing students & teachers to review responses Computer adaptive tests with selected response, short- and extended- constructed response, and technology enhanced items Performance tasks Formative Processes and Tools Optional resources for improving instruction and learning Support for assessment literacy
South Dakota’s Vision Provide educators with a systemic model to implement the Common Core within a learning environment rich in collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking.
SD Focus Provide professional development opportunity focusing on a framework and process to: Gain an awareness of the focused standards Develop a deep understanding of the focused standards Learn a process to take standards from written words on paper to action in the classroom
What the PD is: Voluntary for educators to participate not mandated by the state Districts make the decision on who to send not the state Districts will decide how to implement not prescribe one method of implementation Jump-start to district level conversation and training to implement the CCSS Combination of online and face to face workshops Process not an event or finished product
Focus Standards for Each Year Year K-12 ELA Strands Reading for Literature Reading for Information Text Standards for Mathematical Practices K-5 Math Domains Counting and Cardinality Number & Operations Base 10 Operations-Algebraic 6-8 Math Domains Number Systems Expressions & Equations HS Math Algebra I Year K-12 ELA Strands Reading Foundations Writing Standards for Mathematical Practices K-5 Math Domains Number Operations-Fractions Geometry 6-8 Math Domains Ratios-Proportional Relationships Functions Geometry HS Math Geometry Year K-12 ELA Strands Language Listening, Speaking Standards for Mathematical Practices K-5 Math Domains Measurement & Data 6-8 Math Domains Statistics – Probability HS Math Algebra II and Statistics
Professional Development Plan Must attend all three phases Earn 3 credits Three locations: Aberdeen, Rapid City, Sioux Falls 150 seats for K-6 teachers each location 75 seats for grades 6-8 ELA teachers each location 75 seats for grades 6-8 Math teachers each location 75 seats for grades 9-12 ELA teachers each location 75 seats for Algebra teachers each location
Phase I – 1 Day Workshop OCTOBER Phase I Online Objectives: (approximately one hour of time) 1.Become familiar with the assigned standards and Google site that will be used through-out the year Workshop Objectives: (one-day face-to-face workshop) 1. Become familiar with common core standards layout, design, concepts, terminology, etc. 2. Compare SD standard to common core standards 3. Learn how common core standards will impact teaching practices 4.Engage in unpacking process for the designated focus standards for major concepts and cognitive level
Phase II – 2 Day Workshop NOVEMBER Phase II Online Objectives: (approximately two hours of time) 1. Review the basics of Understanding by Design process 2.Review the basics of formative assessment Workshop Objectives: 1.Investigate how to teach the common core standards using sound instructional practices and 21 st century skills 2.Begin to develop effective units and lessons utilizing understanding by design model including the following essential components: a. Clear learning objectives b.Teaching/modeling/demonstrating c.Guided practice d.Checking for understanding/formative assessment
Phase III – 2 Day Workshop FEBRUARY Phase III Online Objectives: (approximately two hours of time) 1.Build a common understanding of assessment vocabulary and best assessment practices Workshop Objectives: 1. Gain a deeper understanding of the focus standards by developing strong assessment questions 2.Learn a process to ensure assessment questions align with standards and curriculum
Pilot in Summer of 2011 Register by May 1: Nomination process Who should attend: Teacher Leaders Purpose: Provide feedback for fall workshop Location Grade Span Maximum # of Teachers Professional Development Date(s) of Face-to-Face Workshop Pierre K-12 teachers 80 K-6 teachers 40 ELA grade 6-8 teachers 40 Math grade 6-8 teachers 40 ELA grade 9-12 teachers 40 Math grade 9-12 teachers Phase IJuly 7 Phase IIJuly 19 & 20 Phase IIIAug. 8 & 9
Register online:
Who should attend? Fall Workshops Option 1: Send a team of 2-3 for each grade span who will come back and facilitate district teachers pd Option 2: Send a single teacher leader or administrator who will come back and facilitate district teachers pd Option 3: Send implementation team of administrators and teachers Option 4: Send a consortium of teachers from multiple district to come back and facilitate pd
Preparing for the workshops Review Common Core State Standards Review ‘Cracking the Code’ ppt. Review Crosswalk document Become familiar with SD DOE CC website Begin to think about how to plan for implementation
Underlying Outcomes Provide teachers with a hands on experience to gain a deeper understanding of the standards; Investigate how the Common Core standards impact teaching practices; Learn about the Common Core standards starting with the end in mind, how the standards can be assessed, working through curriculum planning;
Give teachers opportunities to collaborate with other teachers from their grade levels as they understand Common Core standards; Emphasize standards-driven curriculum; Utilize Standards in Practice® theory and Understanding by Design model to gain model units of how to teach the standards that illustrate the vision; Connecting relevant initiatives and the 4 Rs (rigor, relevance, relationships, results).
Questions Becky Nelson Gay Pickner