The Lacey Act 1900 By Elhom Gosink The Lacey Act of 1900 or known as the Lacey Act. It is a conservation law in the United States and was signed into law on May 25, 1900. The Lacey Act was amended on May 22, 2008. It was amended to include a variety of prohibited plants and plant products, including illegally logged wood, for trade or import.
The Lacey Act 1900 By Elhom Gosink Until May 2008, even blatantly stolen timber was legal for once it reached American shore. Companies that traded the wood failed to ask questions about the origins of the wood. The passage of the Lacey Act Amendment created a change in the unregulated global timber industry.
The Lacey Act 1900 By Elhom Gosink The Lacey Act specifically protects both plants and wildlife by creating civil and criminal penalties. It prohibits trade of any wildlife, fish, and plants that have been illegally taken or sold. The Lacey Act is a primary tool for stopping interstate and international trafficking in protected wildlife species. It also increases the transparency and focus law enforcement efforts by requiring importers to declare the species, country of origin, and other information. The Lacey Act is enforced mainly by the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Department of Agriculture's Animal Plant Health Inspection Service, and the US customs.