Bellringer Friday September 7 In your own words, describe what a pattern is. a type of theme of recurring events or objects
Benchmarks What are benchmarks? Volunteer to explain? Benchmarks are... Assessments You must pass 2 benchmark assessments for each topic covered in class to earn credit for that benchmark. Benchmark assessments will count for 50% of your class grade.
Benchmark 1 n I can compare and contrast various forms of representations of patterns. Common Core State Standards: 5.OA.3 College Readiness Standards: NCP(20-23)a n Resources: n Geometry: Concepts & Skills n Section 1.1 (Page 3)
Example 1: WE DO Describe a Visual Pattern
Example 2: WE DO Describe a Number Pattern
Example 3: YOU DO Describe a Visual/Number Pattern A B
Example 4: WE DO Make a Prediction
Example 5: WE DO Make a Prediction
Example 6: YOU DO Make a Prediction A B C D
Sage-n-Scribe Activity With a partner, take out ONE sheet of notebook paper and fold it in half (hot dog style). Number one side 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and the other side 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Using ONE pencil, you and your shoulder partner will complete the problems projected on the screen. The sage will tell the scribe how to do problem 1 and the scribe will write down what his/her partner says, making corrections as necessary. Then switch roles.
A-Scribe B-Scribe
Exit Slip Take a notecard out of your table bin and write your name, class period, and exit slip solution on the card. As you leave, please put it in the tray with your class period label.
HOMEWORK Get binder if you have not already gotten one. You will need one by Monday!
Exit Slip (Side 1) Describe the pattern and draw the next figure you would expect to see in the pattern.
Exit Slip (Side 2) Clarity of Lesson Flip your notecard over to the other side. Using a # from 1-5, write down the clarity of this lesson. 1 = “I don’t understand at all! HELP!” 5 = “This is a piece of cake!!” I am still confused about... I don’t get...
Have a good weekend!