Most Commonly Asked Question… What can we do at home to help our child?
The three things you can do! Look for information on the Lincoln Website Check Infinite Campus Check Homework Hotline
Homework Hotline is used for… Assignments/Class Work Individual Class Information Attachments (handouts/worksheets/forms)
Infinite Campus is used for… Grades Missing Assignments/Assessments Retake notice(s)
Lincoln Website Lincoln Website is used to locate the following information... Infinite Campus Homework Hotline Intramurals Announcements
Mrs. Burke 6th Grade Math Cubs Team
Common Core State Standards –Unit 1: Computation –Unit 2: Algebra –Unit 3: Ratios –Unit 4: Geometry –Unit 5: Statistics –Unit 6: Integers
Many examples to review and Homework Help in margin of each assignment page. Visit
Each student should have a spiral notebook used only for math!!! This will help to keep all of their math work together. Homework will be assigned generally everyday. We will grade homework in class each day.
Language Arts Reading Workshop Writing Workshop Basic Skills & Strategies
Reading will include: Novel Studies Short Stories Conferencing Reading Workshop Book ClubBook Club Rebecca Caudill Young Readers’ Award Nonfiction texts (Question- Answer Relationships)
Writing will include: Writers Notebook Mentor text lessons Conferencing Writing Traits Narrative Genres Persuasive Genres Expository Genres
The 6 th grade Science program is designed to introduce students to the basic facts, concepts, and skills of Science Activity-based, engaging, and relevant to the student’s world Know what to look for from your children
20 = MASTER 17 = COMPETENT – may retake to attain mastery, highest score counts 14 = NOVICE – may retake to attain competency or mastery, highest score counts 0 = MUST RETAKE STANDARD…STUDENT WILL BE GIVEN THE ENTIRE TERM TO RETAKE STANDARD. MUST SEE ME TO STUDY, THEN RETAKE EITHER DURING CLASS, STUDY HALL, OR BEFORE SCHOOL.
Review the standards with your children. The standard(s) we are working on each day will be posted on the homework hotline.
Social Science Textbook – Journey Across Time
Mesopotamia Egypt China Greece/Rome Middle Ages
Mapping Group Work In-class Activities Assessments
WHAT? WHEN? WHY? A time to work on unfinished homework A time to seek additional assistance from individual teachers A time to visit the Learning Center for research, Computer Lab or books A time to get organized