Please Sign in Hello Attendees, Please enter the following information in the chat box before the training begins. Full name address Account name you are representing Store name you are representing (for Store Managers) We appreciate your cooperation and will begin the training shortly. C-STORE OFFICE ADMINISTRATION TOOLS
Introduction Welcome to C-Store Office Who am I? My name is Jada Thompson and I am an Account Executive. How to reach me: ext
Agenda Navigate around administrative tasks Adding New Employees Assigning/Editing Roles Management Assigning Divisions Accessing Managing Payroll
What have you learned? Review questions
Review Questions How do you access the Admin Tools? A)Data Entry B)Vendors C)Under your name The correct answer is: C) Under your name
Review Questions Assigning a station to a Division is done under the Division Button under Admin Tools. A)True B)False The correct answer is: False “You assign the Station under the General Tab found under your name.”
Review Questions Assigning a New Employee to CSO is done under the Admin Tools. You can find the Admin Tools under your name? A)True B)False The correct answer is: True “You assign the New Employee under the General Tab found under your name.”
Review Questions What is Roles Management? A)How long they have been a manager B)Where they have been a manager C)What role they have within your organization D)Manager of the Roles The correct answer is: C Roles Management is the Role (or permissions) that you assign to each employee either granting or denying them access to specific areas with in CSO.
Training Center For additional testing on what you have learned, please refer to our new “Testing Center”. You can access this new feature by clicking on the help icon, and then choosing the testing center icon.
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