Tonight’s Presenters o Mr. Bottari –Principal o Ms. Garcia- Assistant Principal o Ms. Matulewicz –ESL teacher o Ms. Fontana, Ms. Kelleher and Ms. McTigue – Kindergarten teachers 2
To introduce parents to the Common Core Standards and help them understand what to look for and how to help their children at home 3
The Common Core State Standards: Prepare students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in college and work Provide educators, parents and students with clear, focused standards or guide posts Set consistent expectations, regardless of a student’s Zip Code Include both knowledge and the application of subject area Build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards and standards of top-performing nations Are based on real world application Are evidence and research-based, with guidance on topics to include, when to introduce content, and coherence/focus 4
Three-Minute Video Explaining the Common Core State Standards 5 Common Core Video
Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through higher-order thinking skills Performance-based collaborative activities and assessments Integrated literacy across content areas including Science and Social Studies Stronger emphasis on informational text, research and media skills 7
Read as much non-fiction as fiction. Learn about the world by reading. Read more challenging material “closely.” Discuss reading using evidence. Write non-fiction using evidence. Increase academic vocabulary. 9
Focus: learn more about fewer, key topics Build skills within and across grades Develop speed and accuracy Really know it-really do it Use it in the real world Think fast AND solve problems 10
Reading for Literature (10 standards) Reading for Informational Text (10 standards) Foundation (4 standards – K-5 only) Writing (10 standards) Language (6 standards) Speaking and Listening (6 standards) 11
Counting and Cardinality (K only) Operations in Algebraic Thinking Number and Operations in Base Ten Measurement and Data Geometry Number and Operations-Fractions (grades 3-5) 12
o By staying involved, informed and engaged, parents can help students be successful. o There are many ways to help: o Read with your children. o Review and discuss their homework. o Communicate with their teachers. o Attend public meetings to learn more. o Learn about the Common Core State Standards(CCSS) and how they affect your child’s education and school. o Look through your child’s backpack each afternoon. 13
Implementation of the Common Core Standards is an opportunity to transform how we teach our students and your children to prepare them for the 21 st Century. 14
15 Barnum Woods Website