LAUNCH ACTIVITY– (STRING GEOMETRY) You will need to be in groups of 3 or 4 (4 is best, but 3 will do) Your group will be given some string and a worksheet Please have the person with the birthday CLOSEST TO TODAY read the directions to the task aloud to the rest of the group. Work together to get as far as you can on this task
EXPECTATIONS FOR THIS WORK Everyone participates All voices are heard Use precision when you present ideas
PTT Private Think Time: (PTT) Everyone learns and processes information at different rates. It is important to designate a set amount of time to process information in your own way and in your own time During Private Think Time: It will be timed on the board There is no talking Honor the fact that others may process info slower than you and give them the courtesy of quiet time Spend the entire PTT working on the task
PTT PRACTICE Each set of numbers represents something about me. Guess as many as you can 21,93, , ,
DEBRIEF PTT 1 Min: Think quietly about the following: How do these first two activities fit with the idea of Inclusion, Culture, and Common Core State Standards?
Be sure you are able to support your conclusion. WOULD YOU RATHER? From the site “Would you rather?” by John Stevens
DEBRIEF PTT 1 Min: Think quietly about the following: How does “Would You Rather” fit with the idea of Inclusion, Culture, and Common Core State Standards?
MY BELIEFS What I believe: I believe our individual uniqueness makes us beautiful and powerful I believe every kid can learn, achieve, and succeed I believe in being honest about my strengths and weaknesses I believe that what I do matters and I must own it I believe that we all have the power to learn mathematics I believe that students learn best when they interact, discuss, argue, defend, and create I believe that failure is an essential piece of the learning process I believe that communication is essential for any relationship to succeed I believe that every endeavor in life should have a great balance of seriousness and fun
WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE? Write down 3 or 4 beliefs that you have
DEBRIEF PTT 1 Min: Think quietly about the following: How does sharing your beliefs with your students fit with the idea of Inclusion, Culture, and Common Core State Standards?
NUMBER TALK I am going to put a problem on the screen Please work it out in your head Try to avoid mentally computing using the old algorithm we were taught in 4 th grade Keep track of your approach and be ready to share
DEBRIEF PTT 1 Min: Think quietly about the following: How do Number Talks fit with the idea of Inclusion, Culture, and Common Core State Standards?
VISUAL PATTERNS I will give you a pattern to look at Initially, I don’t want you to think about numbers I want you to describe how you SEE the pattern growing If you get done early, there is an extension for you to think about
VISUAL PATTERNS Describe, in detail, how you SEE this pattern growing : If you finish early, determine how many black dots will be in the 16 th tile From Illustrativemathematics.com
CONTACT INFORMATION Jason Coburn Math TeacherPhone: (360) Instructional Coach Kelso High School Kelso, WA