Welcome to: Mr. O’Neill’s Geometry Class SAN MARCOS HIGH SCHOOL KNIGHT PRIDE Leading... Now Tomorrow Forever
Course Curriculum & Standards All course content is linked to the new Common Core Mathematics Standards. The new emphasis is PROBLEM SOLVING and EXPLAINING and JUSTIFYING WORK – not just getting the final answer. Students will work on more open-ended performance tasks and mathematical, structured proofs in addition to practicing basic skills. Students must be able to “THINK”, not just follow the “recipe” and “plug in the formula”. This is more challenging, more rigorous, and much more relevant to today’s real-world.
Grading Policies 90 – 100% = A 80 – 89.9% = B 67 – 79.9% = C 0 – 66.9% = F District Policy: Tests and Quizzes 65% Class work / Homework 20% Final Exam 15% No “D” grades are given – colleges generally consider them to be failures anyway. Students must make up missed work within 1 week. Students may retake “poor” quizzes or unit tests within 1 week (maximum grade = 80%) after completing tutoring and quiz/test corrections. 100 Homework/Claswork points per week, -20 per missed homework assignment or poor performance in class.
Extra Help and Assistance Free tutoring is available before school, during lunch, and after school (Room 367). = Online textbook and videos, sign in under “Staff” username: SMHS Student ID password: birthday (YYYYMMDD) Home page = Recent PowerPoint lessons
Keys to Success Be on time and prepared for class Participate in class and pay attention Discuss problems with student partner Complete and understand homework every night Come to tutorial (if more help is needed) Parents regularly check “Edline” and set high expectations
Let’s Have a Great School Year! Any Questions??? Mr. O’Neill