ABA receptor Guard cell Calcium channel Potassium channel Anion channel
receptor Guard cell Calcium channel Ca+ Potassium channel Anion channel diffusion Events that happen in the dark
receptor Guard cell Calcium channel Anion channel Ca+ anions Potassium channel diffusion Events that happen in the dark
Guard cell Potassium channel Ca+ anions depolarization Events that happen in the dark
Guard cell Potassium channel Ca+ anions depolarization Events that happen in the dark
Guard cell Potassium channel Ca+ anions K+ diffusion Events that happen in the dark
Guard cell Ca+ anions K+ Relatively High ion concentrantion Therefore Relatively Low water concentration Events that happen in the dark
Guard cell Ca+ anions K+ Therefore Relatively Low water concentration osmosis Events that happen in the dark
Guard cell Calcium channel Potassium channel Anion channel Potassium pump Calcium pump In absence of Abscisic acid Ca+ anions K+ Anion pump Active transport Events that happen in the light
In absence of Abscisic acid Ca+ anions K+ Relatively low ion concentrantion Therefore Relatively high water concentration osmosis Events that happen in the light