P OLITICAL S TRUCTURE AND C ONFLICTS On the road to revolution
C OLONIAL G OVERNMENTS : TOWN, COUNTY, COLONY AROUND 1750 S ( SEE PP 90-92) Colonial governments were influenced by political changes in England. Each government was given power, from King and Parliament, by a charter (p 54 & Glossary). Governor, app. by King, assisted by Advisory council Some colonies had elected representatives. The town meeting was the center of New England political life. Colonial Courts used in most other colonies due to less population density than N.E.
C HANGES IN E NGLISH G OVERNMENT, 1640 S English Civil War Parliament executes King, est. British Commonwealth Oliver Cromwell as Lord Protector, Puritans led gov’t Cromwell dies— Restoration of Charles II as King. Monarchy restored in 1660s, King James II sought greater control over colonies in 1680s United northern colonies under one government were called the Dominion of New England in Parliament replaced the unpopular King James II and passed the English Bill of Rights in 1689.
W AR FOR EMPIRE : N ATIVE A MERICANS IN MIDDLE GROUND BETWEEN E NGLAND AND F RANCE, The Western Frontier, 1763 Native American Allies Some Native Americans allied with the colonists in King Philip’s War The French traded and allied with the Algonquian and Huron. The English allied with the Iroquois League. War Erupts France and Britain struggled for control of North America in the late 1600s. The French and Indian War started in The turning point came when the British captured Quebec in Treaty of Paris, 1763 It gave Canada and all French lands east of the Mississippi River to Britain. Colonial settlers, or pioneers, began to move west after the war. Native Americans led by Chief Pontiac rebelled against new British settlements in To avoid conflict, King George III issued the Proclamation of 1763, which banned settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains.
B RITISH EFFORTS TO RAISE TAXES ON COLONISTS SPARKED PROTEST. (S EE PP ) Parliament passed Sugar Act in 1764, taxing colonists to help pay costs—colonists believed there should be no taxes without representation; Parliament asserted colonists’ virtual representation Samuel Adams set up the Committees of Correspondence to protest the Stamp Act, 1765 and Townshend Acts, 1767 Boston Massacre, 1770: Redcoats fire on an angry mob of Bostonians throwing snowballs and rocks Parliament passed the Tea Act in 1773 to allow the British East India Company a monopoly over the tea trade w/ colonies. Colonial merchants and smugglers were opposed to this. On December 16, 1773, colonists disguised as Indians attacked British tea ships and threw the tea overboard ( Boston Tea Party ). Coercive Acts (Intolerable acts) passed by Parliament, 1774