BRIEFING ON AUDIT REPORT National Youth Development Agency 2010/11 Portfolio Committee on Communication 11 October 2011 Parliament.


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Presentation transcript:

BRIEFING ON AUDIT REPORT National Youth Development Agency 2010/11 Portfolio Committee on Communication 11 October 2011 Parliament

2 Reputation promise/mission The Auditor-General of South Africa has a constitutional mandate and, as the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of South Africa, it exists to strengthen our country’s democracy by enabling oversight, accountability and governance in the public sector through auditing, thereby building public confidence.

3 Agenda 1.Legislative requirements 2.Opinions 3.Summary of audit opinions 4.Audit report structure 5.Audit outcomes achieved 2010/11 6.Emphasis of matters 7.Compliance 8.Internal controls 9.Other matters

4 1. Legislative requirements Legislative requirements 1.Public Finance Management Act (Act No.1 of 1999) Accounting Officer: Section 55(1)(a) & (b) – Record keeping responsibilities by accounting authority and preparing financial statements for audit Section 55(1)(c) – Submission of financial statements to Auditor- General for audit 2.Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (1996) Section 188 – must audit and report on accounts, financial statements and financial management of government institutions 3.Public Audit Act (Act No.25 of 2004) Section 4(3) – Audit-General may audit and report on the accounts, financial statements and financial management of any public entity listed in the PFMA Sections 20 – Auditor-General must prepare audit report containing opinion/conclusion on: –Financial statements and financial position –Compliance and financial management –Predetermined objectives

5 2. Opinions Different audit opinions: –Unqualified (unmodified) –Qualified –Disclaimer –Adverse

6 2. Opinions Overall summary description per opinion: Audit OpinionDescription Unmodified An unqualified opinion is expressed when the auditor concludes that the financial statements give a true and fair view (or are presented fairly, in all material respects) in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. Unmodified (with emphasis of matter) The addition of such an emphasis of matter paragraph(s) does not affect the auditor’s opinion on whether the financial statements are fairly presented. Modified (Qualified) A qualified opinion is expressed when the auditor concludes that an unqualified opinion cannot be expressed but that the effect of any disagreement with management regarding departures from financial reporting framework, or limitation on scope is not so material and pervasive as to require an adverse opinion or a disclaimer of opinion.

7 2. Opinions Overall summary description per opinion: Audit OpinionDescription Disclaimer A disclaimer of opinion is expressed when the possible effect of a limitation on scope is so material and pervasive that the auditor has not been able to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to form an opinion and accordingly is unable to express an opinion on the financial statements. Adverse An adverse opinion is expressed when the effect of a disagreement with management regarding departures from the financial reporting framework is so material and pervasive to the financial statements that the auditor concludes that a qualification of the report is not adequate to disclose the misleading or incomplete nature of the financial statements.

8 History of audit opinions: 3. Summary of audit outcomes Opinion Disclaimer Adverse Qualified Unqualified with other mattersXXNEW Unqualified with no other matters Goal: Unqualified opinion with no other findings on Predetermined objectives or Compliance with laws and regulations!!!!

9 4. Audit report structure Index: Report on the financial statements  Introduction  Accounting officer/authority’s responsibility  Auditor-General’s responsibility  Opinion  Emphasis of matters  Additional matters Report on other legal and regulatory requirements  Predetermined objectives  Compliance with laws and regulations Internal control  Leadership  Financial and performance management  Governance Other reports  Investigations  Performance audits  Agreed up procedures Now please refer to handout for actual audit report of NYDA

10 4. Audit report structure Emphasis of matter/Additional matter Why? To draw the users of financial statements’ attention to a matter HIGHLIGHT! Difference? Opinion? “My opinion is not modified in respect of these matter(s)” Emphasis of matterAdditional matter to draw users’ attention to a matter presented or disclosed in the financial statements which is of such importance that it is fundamental to their understanding of the financial statements to draw users’ attention to any matter other than those presented or disclosed in the financial statements which is relevant to users’ understanding of the audit, the auditor’s responsibilities or the auditor’s report

11 4. Audit report structure Matters highlighted Emphasis of matter:  Financial reporting framework  Significant uncertainties  Revision of previously issued AFS  Restatements of corresponding figures  Material underspending  Accruals  Going concern/funding/financial sustainability Additional matter:  Prior year audited by predecessor auditor  Material inconsistencies included in annual report  Unaudited supplementary schedules  Revision of previously issued AFS  Financial reporting framework

12 5. Audit outcomes achieved 2010/11 Actual audit report of NYDA: refer to handout 1.Opinion: Unqualified audit opinion 2.Other matters highlighted: Emphasis of matters  Significant uncertainties  Restatement of corresponding figures  Irregular expenditure  Fruitless and wasteful expenditure  Material impairments

13 5. Audit outcomes achieved 2010/11 3.Compliance  PFMA  National Treasury Regulations  Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 4.Internal control Summary of control deficiencies in 2 Fundamentals:  Leadership  Financial and performance management

14 6. Emphasis of matters NB! Audit only highlight if matter is disclosed in the financial statements of the entity 1.Significant Uncertainties Contingent liability due to claims from third parties of R5.86 million of which the outcome could not be determined at date of audit report. 2.Restatement of corresponding figures The corresponding figures for 31 March 2010 have been restated as a result of an error identified during 31 march 2011 in the financial statements of the NYDA at, and for the year ended, 31 March Irregular Expenditure The NYDA incurred irregular expenditure of R67.65 million as a result of non-compliance with supply chain management prescripts as determined by the National Treasury.

15 6. Emphasis of matters (continued) 4.Fruitless and wasteful expenditure The NYDA incurred fruitless and wasteful expenditure of R2.05 million due to interest paid on late payment of supplier invoices and borrowings. 5.Material impairments Material impairments to the amount of R38.75 million were incurred in the current year as a result of the impairment of loans advanced by the NYDA. At 31 March 2011, of the total gross loans receivable of R million, R million (which includes the R38.75 million), had been impaired as the recoverability of these loans are doubtful.

16 7. Compliance Category of findingActDescription Annual financial statements, performance and annual reports PFMA 55(1)(b) The accounting authority submitted financial statements for auditing that were not prepared in all material aspects in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice. The material misstatements identified by the AGSA with regards to interest income, loans receivable, other receivables from exchange transactions and trade and other payables from exchanges transactions were subsequently corrected. Procurement and contract management TR 16A6.1 & 16A6.4 PFMA 76(4)(c) Certain goods and services with a transaction value of over R were not procured by means of competitive bidding process. Certain goods and services with a transaction value of between R and R were procured without inviting at least three written price quotations. Awards were made to bidders who did not submit an SBD 4 as per the requirements of Practice Note 7 of PPPFAThe preference point system was not applied in all procurement of goods and services above R TR16 A6.3(c) Not all invitations for competitive bidding were advertised for a minimum period of 21 days. Summary of compliance findings

17 7. Compliance (continued) Category of findingActDescription Expenditure management PFMA51 (1)(b)(ii) The accounting authority did not take effective and appropriate steps to prevent irregular and fruitless and wasteful expenditure. Borrowings PFMA 66(3)(c) The NYDA entered into borrowing positions without obtaining prior authorisation from the Minister of Finance. A joint venture agreement was entered into requiring both partners to contribute an agreed amount. The NYDA did not contribute the full agreed amount and the shortfall was contributed by the other partner on behalf of the NYDA, resulting in the NYDA borrowing funds that attracted interest. Summary of compliance findings

18 7. Compliance (continued) Recommendation Management should ensure that the procurement of goods and services is in line with the Treasury Regulations and the prescripts of the National Treasury. Documented policies and procedures should be in place to guide the operations of the entity to comply with relevant legislation and regulations. These should be communicated to all staff members and compliance should be rigorously enforced by the supply chain management unit. Processes should be implemented with oversight by the accounting authority to prevent and detect irregular and fruitless and wasteful expenditure, as well as non-compliance with relevant policies, laws and regulations. All loans reflected in the loan book should be assessed for impairment on a monthly basis. The provision for impairment so determined should be accounted for. Implement a comprehensive review process of the financial statements prior to submission for audit to ensure compliance.

19 Internal control deficiency Leadership Financial and performance management Governance The accounting authority did not have sufficient monitoring controls to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and more specifically with regards to compliance with supply chain management prescripts determined by the National Treasury. X Management did not implement daily and monthly controls over trade and other payables and around the loan management system. X The financial statements contained numerous misstatements that were corrected. This was mainly due to staff members not fully understanding the requirements of the financial reporting framework as well as inadequate review of the financial statements by senior management, prior to submission for auditing. X 8. Internal controls

20 9. Other matters Going forward NYDA must develop an action plan to address all audit findings. This action plan will be monitored regularly at audit steering committees and feedback will be provided at audit committee meetings. Greater focus should be placed on compliance matters. The recoverability of loans advanced by NYDA should be closely and regularly monitored to prevent unnecessary impairments.