In Karnataka, Digital Signatures are being extensively used in various projects right from delivery of citizen centric services through various projects like Nemmadi, eProc, BangaloreOne, KarnatakaOne, BBMP and SRO etc. Many of the manual processes have been converted to electronic workflow systems and the DSCs are being effectively used by the Government officials in digitally signing the documents. Digital Signature in Karnataka
These processes have made the service delivery faster and have almost brought an end to the physical movement of files and papers which used to cause delays and hold-ups. This has increased the authenticity of documents and reduced the chances of issuance of bogus and fake certificates. Digital Signature in Karnataka.. Cont..
Digital Signature Application Karnataka One is providing an application through which Digital Signature Registration, Certificate Authentication and Certificate Verification can be done with respective furnished logins.
Modules Token Registration is to capture the Digital Signature Information, privilege allocation, login credentials generation. Digital Signature is to authenticate Certificate with provided privileges Signature Verification is to verify the certificate for any fake certificates
Token Registration Token Registration privilege is provided to the Admin login who captures the Digital Signature Information and allots privileges as per instructions. On successful registration, login credentials will be generated which will be issued to the respective ULB Authorities along with the Digital Signature Token.
Admin has to plug-in the Digital Signature Token that is to register and has to login to the Application.
If Admin has not checked in the Digital Signature Token, alert message “There is no Certificate available in the system. Please attach e-Token and refresh or re-login” is displayed. Once Token is checked in, then Admin can click the link provided below “You are not able to view your Certificate Information, Kindly Click Here” which will refresh the page load and Token Information will be displayed.
On successful login, Token Information is displayed like Issued To Issued By Expiration Date Serial Number of respective Digital Signature Token.
Validation 1 Admin clicks Save button without selecting Certificate Information in the grid, a message “Signatory Registration requires Certificate to be selected. Kindly select Certificate and Retry.” Mandatory: Admin must select a Certificate Information from grid to register.
Validation 2 Admin clicks Save button without selecting City or cities, a message “Signatory Registration requires one or more Cities to be selected. Kindly select Cities and Retry.” Mandatory: Admin must select a city or multiple cities (as per Department) allotted for respective Token Registration.
Validation 3 Admin clicks Save button without selecting Purpose, a message “Signatory Registration requires one or more Purpose to be selected. Kindly select Purpose and Retry.” Mandatory: Admin must select a Purpose or multiple purposes (as per Department) allotted for respective Token Registration.
Validation 4 Admin selects Certificate Information which is already registered, a message “This Signatory is already registered with us. Please try with another Token” is displayed.
Process Flow: Select Token from the grid, Name of the Respective Authority will be displayed in the respective location. Select City or Cities allotted for respective Token as per Department Instructions Select Purpose or Purposes allotted for respective Token as per Department Instructions. Click Save Button.
On successful registration, Login credentials for respective token will be created and “New Signatory has been registered successfully” message will be displayed. Click Print Button. A print out consists of Token Registration, Login Credentials and Instructions.
Change Password There is a provision to Change Password for Authorized Official. Once successful login with credentials generated at the time of registration, Authorized official can change the password.
Digital Signature Digital Signature is the provision for the Authorized Official to make digital signature of the Certificate through K1 Application from the respective ULBs. Admin can login to the application with provided login credentials.
On successful login, Official is able to view his certification information. Official selects the Certification Information from the grid.
If the Token is not registered, application prompts a message, “The selected signatory token is not registered with us. Kindly contact Admin or try with another token.” Application will not allow the official to do further process unless certificate is registered. If the Signatory is registered and account is active and Certificate is still not expired the following screen is displayed
Official selects Certificate Information from the grid. Click Next Button which navigates to the following screen.
This screen displays the city and purposes allotted for the authorized official. Official has to select the city, if multiple cities are allotted. Official has to select the purpose, if multiple purposes are allotted. Click Next button
For Birth and Death Certificate Service, Official has to select the Certificate Type. Click Proceed Button. Application retrieves the records from the remote database connected to the Intermediate Server as displayed in the following screen
Official gets all unsigned records i.e. PDF file is not generated and signed. Official checks one or more records or all by clicking on Check all link and click on Sign button to make digital signature. Click Sign button to make a digital signature for selected records.
On successful signing the records, a message, “All selected records have been signed successfully. Would you like to sign next records?” is displayed. Clicking on Yes button enables users to sign Next Unsigned Records, application will retrieved some more unsigned records without redirecting to the Certificate Selection Page If No button is clicked, application will navigate to the Certificate selection Page.
Signature Verification Signature Verification is to verify the Digital Signature over the furnished document, which will be issued to the respective officials. This verification includes Data verification Document Verification Signature Verification User has to provide login credentials to verify the document.
Data Verification: User has to provide Registration Number available in the furnished certificate. Click on Verify button. If Details are not available with provided registration Number, a message, “Details are not available with provided Registration Number” is displayed.
Document Verification This is to verify the digitally signed PDF Document stored in the database. With provided Registration Number, User can click Verify Button to retrieve the document stored in database in binary format.
Once Verify button is clicked, User gets notification to Open or save the Signed PDF file. File name of PDF is the Registration Number.pdf (e.g.; 2_1999_8454.pdf)) User can view the Digitally Signed PDF Document stored in his location.