Limestone Limestone Learning Objectives: What is Thermal Decomposition? The reaction of quicklime with water know the balanced equation for the reaction of limewater and carbon dioxide
Thermal Decomposition Click on the girl for the starter questions Limestone Click here for Task Thermal Decomposition Why is a Zombie different to a normal person? What should happen to the human body when life is no longer present? Do Chemicals decompose?
How do you think the following will decompose? Limestone How do you think the following will decompose? Calcium Carbonate CaCO3 Click on me to reveal answer CaO + CO2 Copper Carbonate CuCO3 Click on me to reveal answer CuO + CO2 Trigger Points – 1. Calcium Carbonate, 2. Copper Carbonate, 3. Sodium Carbonate Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3 Click on me to reveal answer Na2O + CO2
Balancing Acts! Limestone Animator – I would like the bunnies to be able to be moved so the middle moves like a see saw until it is balanced with 3 bunnies each side.
Limestone Mg C O O O Mg O C O O Animator – Same principle as the last slide - I would like the blocks to be able to be moved so they can see that an equation must be balanced.
Circle of Life... Limestone WHOA!! Didn’t see you watching, that’s embarrassing! I was wondering about the Life of a star and I do not mean David Beckham! I wonder if chemicals can go through a ‘Circle of Life’? Circle of Life...
Limestone and the “Circle of Life...” Click on the heading at the bottom then Click on the + and the arrows to reveal the answers Limestone Click here for Instructions Carbon Dioxide Calcium Oxide Water Thermal Decomposition Calcium Hydroxide Calcium Carbonate + Water Note to Teacher – you must click on the write triggers to ensure the circle of life is completed in the correct order. The triggers are the plus signs and the curved arrows. To begin the cycle you must click on the Heading: Limestone and the ‘Circle of Life’ Filter then add Water Limewater Ca(OH)2 Carbon dioxide Limestone and the “Circle of Life...”
Limestone Click here to reveal answer Carbon dioxide Limewater Calcium Carbonate + Water Complete the word equation above Ext: Can you write a formula equation for the above reaction? Trigger Points – 1. Callout 2. Arrow