Convention of Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol of 1997 The united nations framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC) met to stabilize the greenhouse gas emissions International convention Encourages countries to reduce GHG emissions Deals with the inevitable temperature rises due to climate change and global warming Michelle DeLapa Avery Redlitz Period 6
Function: The Kyoto Protocol Part of the UNFCCC decision (legally binding) Main difference is that it ENFORCED countries to stabilize GHG emissions Convention ENCOURAGED stabilization International policy, adopted in Kyoto, Japan 12/11/97 at the convention on climate change Entered into force 2/16/05 Includes 37 countries and European community to GHG emissions 5% in 5 yrs
Enforcement The Convention of Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol are implemented by the United Nations. The detailed rules for implementation of the Protocol were officially establish in 2001, by the Marrakech Accords.