Health Care Delivery System: Societal Trends and Economics Unit III
Change & Health Care Delivery Rapid and Constant Nurses must embrace change Nurses must contribute to problem solving
Why Did Health Care Delivery Need to Change? Rising health care cost Increasing elderly population Expanding technology Emphasis on acute care rather than prevention Insurance reimbursement that rewarded increased spending
Health Care Delivery Changes: Cause and Effect Cause: Consumer demands Technological advances Governmental scrutiny Impact on Nursing: Challenge theoretical viewpoint, practice models, and patient services
Approaches Introduced to Control Costs Managed-care strategies HMO’s, PPO’s Changes in reimbursement methods Change to prospective payment system (DRG’s) Hospital restructuring Mergers Corporatization Integrated Health Care Delivery Systems
Do We Need National Health Care? Improved access to care Competitive free-market
Questions to Ponder How does futile care contribute to increased costs? How can preventive health care and wellness education lower costs of later acute care? Should health care adopt corporate business practices? Telemedicine For-profit organizations
Health Care Trends Graying of America Technological advances Globilization Delivery System changes Social evolution
Globilization and Nursing Spread of a common culture around the world Universal sharing of attitudes, products, industry, and stocks Role of Nursing: Learn about health care beliefs and practices of other cultures International Nursing Forums to share nursing practice
Social Changes and Nursing Consumer control Desire to make own choices Conventional vs. Alternative therapies Question health information Research independently Demand more preventive care Judge value of health care Service orientation Aging Majority population Multiple health care needs New technology Telemedicine
Current Trends affecting the Vision of Nursing Dominant role in health care delivery systems Geriatrics a prominent specialty Leadership role in determining/implementing policy Provide holistic care (integration of multiple facets) Technology enhanced quality care
Current Trends (continued) Quality care based upon outcome criteria Emphasis on case-management Increased nursing involvement in making policy and governmental decisions affecting health care Education more user-friendly Expanding cultural knowledge and practice
Health Maintenance Organizations Staff Model Group Model Network Model Independent Practice Association
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Another type of Health Plan Use of physicians who have agreed to provide services at a lower price to the insurer
Ethics and Nanotechnology Need new delivery systems which incorporate demands of advanced technology Need lower-tech, higher-touch therapeutic interventions to offset technology Need to combine alternative care approaches with conventional medical treatments
Types of Health Care Organizations Acute Care Hospitals Psychiatric Hospitals Community Mental Health Centers Long-term Care Facilities Day Care Centers and Homes for Elderly Ambulatory Care Home Health Care
Organizational Structures Centralized Decentralized
Organizational Charts Maps that determine who reports to whom Shape dependent upon size and governance style Reflect formal communication patterns
Organizational Approaches to Getting Work Done Committee structure Participative management Shared governance Self-governance Unions
Nursing Care Delivery Patterns Functional Team Primary Patient-focused Case-managed What are the pro’s and con’s?
Delegation Who can delegate? What can be delegated? When should delegation be used? How can you determine if delegation is effective?
Nursing Assignments JCAHO Require that staffing be based on organized system Patient Classification or Acuity System ANA Identified principles of staffing Patient care-related Staff-related Institution/organization-related
Nursing Shortages and Staffing What constitutes a staffing crisis? What can be done when there is a staffing crisis? What are your responsibilities when staffing is short?
Nurse’s Role in Decreasing Health Care Costs Challenge: provide excellent care with fewer dollars Knowledge about equipment/service costs Resource utilization Promote preventive health care Consumer education
Computers and Health Care Telemedicine Use of computer technology and telecommunications to provide contact between the provider and the consumer. Primary goal: provide access to rural and underserved communities.
Computers in Healthcare Information Superhighway “term used to describe the explosion of electronic information retrieval and communication taking place through computers and modems.” What is important to remember when using electronic data?
Role of Nursing in Telehealth/Telemedicine Active involvement Practice issues when care transcends state lines Triage from emergency care facilities Home care services Hospice care Video assessments and vitals through telemonitoring
Realities of Health Care Financing Expenditures are continuing to increase Managed care has not reduced the growth of Medicare beneficiaries and overall spending Reasons for continued increases Inflation Increased demand for services Expensive technological advances
How is Health Care Financed? Self-payment Third-party payment Health care assistance
Health Care Financing and the Role of the Nursing Nurses are involved in the decision-making process Patient/consumer advocacy Need to understand budget process
Questions to Ponder Why must nurses be involved in fiscal management? What does the budget have to do with nursing practice?
Terms to Know Budget Operating budget Capital budget Personnel budget
Budgets and Cost Control Unit cost Standard costs Target or budget costs Cost variance report
Reasons for Cost Problems Poor quality Theft Carelessness
“Costing Out” Nursing Services Used to understand the cost of treating a patient relative to the revenue received from treating that patient.
Quality and Patient Care Why must quality be controlled? What is the best way to control quality? (prospective vs. retrospective) Who is responsible for quality? How is quality measured? What is the bottom line?
Quality JCAHO Mission: “enhance the quality of health care provided to the public” Quality Assurance Method of monitoring and improving consumer-oriented services Unique to each institution Unit based and requires individual involvement Definition: What does quality mean to you?, to consumers? Evaluation perspectives: Structure Process outcome
Computerization Mainframe PC PDA We must balance the use of this technology with increased personal contact (touch) to maintain the human element of nursing.
Nursing Informatics 1994 ANA Recognition A specialty that “integrates nursing science, computer science, and information science in identifying, collecting, processing, and managing data and information to support nursing practice, administration, education, research, and the expansion of nursing knowledge” (ANA, 1994)
Theories Associated with Nursing Informatics Nomenclature, Classification and Taxonomy General Systems Theory Change Theory
Buzzwords for the Future Preventive medicine Preventive care