Bernard Turcotte President Canadian Internet Registration Authority Canada’s ccTLD ENUM CSCN Forum March 11, 2004
CIRA Background Canadian Internet Registration Authority Federally incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation in Canada. Operates ccTLD as per an agreement with the Federal Government of Canada Restricted registry, only for Canadians Currently manages 400K registrations.
CIRA Background Managed by a 14 person board composed as follows: –9 elected by registrants –3 nominated by Directors to represent specific interest groups –1 Government of Canada (ex-officio) –1 President and CEO CIRA has 22 permanent staff and an annual operating budget of 5M$CA
CIRA Background CIRA has developed, manages and operates all its internal registry software. CIRA systems were designed to be scalable. CIRA, by the end of 2004, will operate a new main production site and 5 secondary zone sites across Canada.
CIRA’s Interest in ENUM Given CIRA’s mandate and operational responsibilities for Canada’s ccTLD, it is natural for it to be involved with the development of ENUM in Canada insofar as ENUM is an extension of the DNS.
CIRA’s Initial Objectives relative to ENUM Stimulate the adoption and deployment of ENUM in Canada. Define what role CIRA can play in the deployment and operation of ENUM in Canada.
Questions to be answered How will delegation of cc 1 occur? How will ENUM be deployed in NANP? How will ENUM be deployed in Canada?
Questions to be answered Some subsidiary questions: -What are the specific roles and responsibilities of Industry Canada and the CRTC relative to the deployment of ENUM in Canada? -What will be the structure of this new industry? How much competition at which level?
Questions to be answered Some subsidiary questions - continued: - Need to define the management relationship between telephone numbers and ENUM entries in the DNS.
Which model of authority over the resource? 1.DNS model – completely decentralized First-come, first served User picks, owns and manages the name Universal portability 2.The telephony model – centralized authority Numbers are allocated and managed by a service provider Limited portability of the number 3.A hybrid model?
What can CIRA offer at this time? CIRA is a natural candidate to operate a “tier 1” delegation for Canada. CIRA has offered to host the “skinny tier 1” delegation for NANP on a temporary basis. CIRA is ready to offer the necessary facilities for the testing of ENUM in Canada and NANP.
What is needed to move things forward Concerted action by the concerned communities. Identifying partners to establish an ENUM test-bed in Canada.
Thank You. Questions?