‘Delivering Equality’ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGB&T) Module 1 “Awareness”
Awareness Programme 1. Aims9. Plenary 2. Background10. Evaluation 3. Introductions11. Contact Us 4. Learning Agreement 5. ‘Ice Breaker’ 6. Definitions 7. Mind Our Language 8. Myths and Facts
Aims Participant’s will increase their awareness of the issues experienced on a personal, community and institutional level by Lesbians, Gay men, Bisexuals and Trans (LGB&T) communities and individuals Participants will learn the definitions of LGB&T Participants will explore the barriers and discrimination LGB&T people experience
Background In April 2012, NHS Somerset and Somerset LINk jointly commissioned the Diversity Trust to find out about the experiences and views of LGBT people of health and social care in Somerset. In particular, they wanted to hear about the stories, both positive and negative, LGBT people in Somerset had to tell about accessing and receiving health and social care. The research was carried out throughout the county between April and October The training and associated modules were developed as a result of the research.
Introductions Please introduce yourself, your name and your role Do you have any hopes and fears about the training Something which makes you the same or something which makes you different from others on the training today
Learning Agreement What learning agreements do we need to make to ensure the training is safe for you to take part?
‘Ice Breaker’ Find someone in the room you don’t know well and tell them something about yourself which no one else in the room knows
Definitions How might you define LGB&T? In groups, define Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Heterosexual
Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Definitions Lesbian: Women who are emotionally and sexually attracted to other women Gay: Men who are emotionally and sexually attracted to other men. Some Lesbians identify as “Gay” or “Gay Women” Bisexual: Women or men who are emotionally and sexually attracted to both women and men
Trans Definitions Trans/Transgender: an umbrella term for whose gender identity and/or gender expression diverges in some way from the sex they were assigned at birth Includes people who identify as Transsexual Includes people who identify as a non-binary gender or on a gender spectrum, e.g. gender queer Can include transvestites and cross-dressers The Transgender community prefers the abbreviated term ‘Trans’
Definitions Homophobia: The irrational fear and/or hatred of people who identify as Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual. This can include; physical, emotional and verbal attacks. In some cases can result in violence and even death Biphobia: The irrational fear and hatred of Bisexual people Transphobia: The irrational fear and hatred of Trans (Transgender) people Heterosexism: Is the assumption that every individual is heterosexual
Mind our Language What is some of the language you have hear, or know, about LGB&T people, you can also consider Heterosexual people too
Myths and Facts What are some of the myths and facts you’ve heard, or know, about LGB&T people, include any myths and facts about Heterosexual people too Work in groups to come up with myths and facts about LGB&T people
LGB Population Size According to the UK Government estimate, what percentage of people identify themselves as Lesbian or Gay? 2%6%10%
LGB Population Size In 2005 the Government, when analysing the financial implications of the Civil Partnerships Act, concluded there were 3.6m Lesbian and Gay people in Britain, around 6% of the population
Trans Population Size At present, there is no official estimate of the Trans population in the UK. The Census does not ask if people identify as Trans it did not include a question in the 2011 Census Gender Identity Research in Education Society (GIRES), in their Home Office funded study, estimate the number of Trans people in the UK to be between 300,000 and 500,000
Plenary Task 1: Something I have learnt from the module Task 2: Something I will do as a result Feedback and plenary
Evaluation Please visit the evaluation site
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