Presentation of THERMOVALorisation project, aims and activities
Hello, I’m Jean-Philippe. I come from France. I’m civil engineering teacher and school enterprise relationship. I’m the european coordinator of this project. About this project, the idea was :
Without self-importance, we want to compare and demonstrate, in learning situations with trainees, Energetic Performance Diagnosis with value-added thanks to the use of a thermographic camera and an infrared and digitally-edited process on associated pictures.
Not only would this NEW pedagogical approach make learning energy-efficient- housing technologies attractive, but the trainees would also develop foreign language, multicultural skills and international team as well as test the European qualifications of the curricula in real dynamic labour market.
AIMS : There would also be several benefits at the European level : - A common pedagogical documentation on the EPD in housing technology could be set, aiming to tend to narrow the gap between the countries adaptation of their housing construction and maintenance technology.
- The content of a vocational training course could be defined for building-accident victims who could be reintegrated into EPD carrer OR for people interested in creating a business dealing with real estate technical diagnosis…
Objectives : 1) We want to determine a common method for the realization of a pedagogic EPD test (testing conditions, pre-requisite data, thermal camera settings, etc…) adaptable to each construction mode.
2) A common pedagogic report on EPD will be written in English, with an objective to harmonize and narrow the observed variations. It should be adapted to every country’s construction, design and legislation systems.
3) The investigation and summary of studies will be put into service and applicable to people on labour market and to experts, analysing it.
4) It’s planned to define the objectives and write guidelines to training of reinstated building casualties into future real estate technical diagnosis operators or to training of people interested in created a business.
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Action that gives satisfaction !
LEONARDO, What else ?