Trends in map e-services Karel Charvat
What is it? Application: human - machine Services: machine - machine –Interoperability, distribute system –Offering services, not data –Data collection and management on one place, data are all time actualise –Special black boxes on WEB as services –Utilisation of different SW platforms –User use only requested functionality data1 searchingí analyse catalogue data2 web data3 Data, analyse, catalogue,... Web/local
Transmission of Images Queries –GetCapabilities - metadata about services –GetMap - map –GetFeatureInfo – queries on maps Web Map Service (WMS) application/vnd.ogc.se_xml application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage application/vnd.ogc.se_blank corine Corine CR map EPSG:28403 EPSG:4326 EPSG:2065 <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:28403" minx="3.519e+006" miny="5.535e+006" maxx="3.5195e+006" maxy="5.5355e+006" /> foto fotografie No a toto je strucný popis toho vseho <a href=' target='_blank'> Metadata</a> dmu25 DMU25 EPSG:28403 application/vnd.ogc.se_xml application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage application/vnd.ogc.se_blank corine Corine CR map EPSG:28403 EPSG:4326 EPSG:2065 <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:28403" minx="3.519e+006" miny="5.535e+006" maxx="3.5195e+006" maxy="5.5355e+006" /> foto fotografie No a toto je strucný popis toho vseho <a href=' target='_blank'> Metadata</a> dmu25 DMU25 EPSG:28403 Cartographic projection topograf. mapa tématický obsah Klient Klient CSS Cascading
Web Features Service (WFS) Data transmission in GML Basic –GetCapabilities - metadata services –DescribeFeatureType - structure (XML schema) –GetFeature - GML data Extended (editing) –LockFeature –Transaction ( INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, QUERY, DISCOVERY )
Other Specification Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) Filter Encoding Web Coverage Service (WCS) Web Registry Server (WRS) Web Coordinate Transformation Service Gazetteer profile for WFS Geoparser service Web Terrain Server (WTS) Web Pricing & Ordering Service (WPOS)
Spatial Infrastructure / portal services
Implementation in products ProductSupport OGC services Autodesk - Map GuideNo find ESRI - ArcIMSWMS server, WFS server Intergraph - Geomedia Web MapWMS server, WFS server Intergraph - GeomediaWFS client Map Info - ?WMS server – not sustainable documented UMN MapserverWMS server + client, WFS server + client ProductSupport of OGC services ESRI - ArcIMSWMS server SLD, WFS server ESRI - ArcGIS, ArcExplorerWMS client, WFS client ? UMN MapserverSLD support ? Planed:
Our contribution To build system on Mobile Internet platform, To use open platforms for building of this system. To define groups of users, describe the requested functionality for defined groups of user and on the base of this functionality define user profiles. To combine effective tools, which will offer information access, but also analytical tools, which will offer complex data analysis including 3D analysis
Our contribution To implement metadata model, this will be able to describe all available data source, including data validity, data history and data source. To offer possibilities of access to distributed data source and so increase effectively of data access and data analysis. To build decision-supporting system
WMS applications development Under 5FP WirelessInfo IST The project aims to implement advanced wireless communications into multimedia systems and services for agriculture and forest administrations, business and NGO to improve access to agriculture and forest information. The communication via standard commercial equipment like as GPRS, GSM, HSCSD and special equipment developed for special cases are tested. Open source technologies are used
WirelessInfo results Mobile Internet GIS applications (multimodal, multiterminal) for field computers, PDA, MDA, WAP (WBMP format) communication human-computer, computer-computer machine-computer WMS, WFS mobile services Mobile data management Web coordinate transformation services Location Based Services (LBS) GIS analysis services
Java applet client
GIS analysis services Based on GRASS Open Source software
Data analysis GRASS system
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