EPSINET POLICY CONFERENCE Athens, January 14th 2005
Project presentation Harmos aims to develop, demostrate and test the technology and business model for the establishment of a pilot pan-Europan multilingual digital collection for multimedia content in Music Heritage which will be available online.
Contract: EDC HARMOS/28777 Duration: 24 months (April-2004 March-2006) Budget: € EC Contribution: € Web site: Project Officer: Gudrun Stock Project presentation
Rationale Reuse and exploitation of public information Reuse information produced by public education institutions in the area of Music Heritage Create a new business model to exploit the final eContent New tools needed to reduce costs for the preparation of eContent Authoring tool to automatically segment the audiovisual content Annotation system
Objectives To define content categories/ontologies for data To establish the metadata and workflow for the project To identify and prepare the multimedia content To customise and demonstrate an integrated system of: Media Management System Automatic Segmentation Tool Collaborative Annotation Tool To develop a pilot training course To develop and evaluate a final Demonstrator
Partnership Coordination Fundación Isaac Albéniz- FIA (E) IT Providers Fundació Universitat Pompeu Fabra (E) OrbiTeam (DE) Contents Providers/Users European Association of Conservatoires Lithuanian Academy of Music (LI) Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel (B) Staatliche Musikhochschule Stuttgart (DE) Royal School of Music (UK) Escola Superior de Música a Catalunya (E) Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espectáculo del Instituto Politécnico do Porto (P)
Fundación Isaac Albéniz Universidat Pompeu Fabra Orbiteam Prototype Contents Pilot Training Course Course Lithuanian Academy of Music Koninklijk Conservatorium Escola de Musica do Porto Royal College of Music Staatliche Musikhochschule Stuttgart Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya European Association of Conservatoires ITProviders ContentProviders Project Workflow
WP8 Project Structure WP1 Project Management WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 WP6 Content &User Technical and functional requirements Content Tailoring Content Tailoring/Tool Service Prototype development Pilot Training course WP7 Evaluation Exploitation and dissemination
Target Users Conservatoires and Music Schools Students from European secundary educational public institutions In-residence users able to access broadband In-residence users (DVD) Multimedia producers