The ATW Community Assessment Toolkit: Promotion of Aging in Place Anne Slonim Rafal, PhD Aging Texas Well Coordinator Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services
Aging Texas Well Aging Texas Well (ATW) was created in In 2005, Governor Rick Perry issued Executive Order RP 42 and formalized ATW within the Department of Aging and Disability Services. ATW aims to identify and discuss aging policy issues, guide state government, and promote increased community preparedness for an aging Texas. ATW aims to assist individuals and communities through laws, policies and services that affect aging Texans.
Page Aging in Place and Community Awareness National movement to promote aging-friendly communities through planning and capacity building. Every state and community needs to prepare for longevity, aging-in-place, and other realities of the “boomer” generation. DADS has developed the Community Assessment Toolkit to help local communities identify the physical, social and institutional elements that aging populations need to lead full and productive lives in their communities.
Page Changing Demographics 60 + in Texas Projected Growth for the Texas Population 60 Years of Age or Older, Years (In Millions) Texas State Data Center at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Population projections for Texas based on migration scenario, published February Percentage will grow from 12% statewide to 20% in 2040.
Page Challenges for Communities Business will need to adapt to changing workforce and population Health care sector faces increased demands for specialized care and long- term workers Family caregiving will increase Non-profit community will see more demand for aging services Communities will have new opportunities for volunteers Churches will need to adapt ministries State and local governments will need changes to the social infrastructure.
Page ATW Community Assessment Toolkit (CAT) ATW CAT encourages communities to identify features that Define an "aging-friendly" community Assess their community's aging readiness and aging in place options. Undertake planning and action steps to build a community with ATW attributes
Page Community Assessment Toolkit: Moving Forward An Action Committee will be established and they will complete a community assessment using 6 Community Assessment Worksheets Hold strategic meeting with action committee to share teams vision Develop a city/county plan of action and timeline to accomplish the vision Regularly hold meetings of the action committee to update team on aging–related activities. Work with Executive Sponsor
Page Community Assessment Indicator Worksheets Demographics- Disability, Income, Income Residential- Affordable housing Transportation- Dial-a-ride, volunteer driver programs Health care, Mental Health and Substance Abuse- Behavioral Health Programs Recreation and Well-being- Senior Centers Community Supports and Services- Congregate meals, publicity
Page Community Assessment Toolkit What are other ways that the CAT could assist your community with Aging in Place goals? (Would it be an economic driver, improve services, or result in cost savings?) What planning and/or implementation “barriers” to Aging in Place do you anticipate in your community? What would the motivators be for completing the CAT process?
Page What assistance can DADS provide? ATW Community Assessment Toolkit Recognition Process for pilot in Corpus Christi moving forward. Possible Trainings and some technical assistance to communities who engage in the Community Assessment Toolkit process. Possible press releases and recognition at pre-determined stages.
Anne S. Rafal