Query Processing In Multimedia Databases Dheeraj Kumar Mekala Devarasetty Bhanu Kiran
Multimedia Database A multimedia database is a controlled collection of multimedia data items such as text, images, graphic objects, video and audio.
Query Processing Techniques Content Based Retrieval Tree Pattern Matching Retrieval
Query By Image Content (QBIC) QBIC was developed at IBM’s Almaden Research Center. It is based on content based retrieval. IBM has already incorporated this technology into two of their products namely Ultimedia® Manager and DB2 Extensions.
Query By Image Content (QBIC) QBIC is housed on the award-winning Hermitage Museum's Web site, which allows people around the world to search and tour some of the world's most beloved artwork without leaving their homes.
QBIC’s GUI Color Based Retrieval bin/db2www/qbicColor.mac/qbic?selLang=E nglish Layout Based Retrieval bin/db2www/qbicLayout.mac/qbic?selLang= English
Tree Pattern Matching Approach Framework for querying multimedia data based on a tree embedding approximation algorithm, combining the MPEG-7 standard and an ontology.
Tree Pattern Matching Approach MPEG-7 (Multimedia Content Description Interface) is a standard that aims at describing the multimedia data content. MPEG-7 uses XML to describe multimedia data.
Tree Pattern Matching Approach The major drawback of XML is that it cannot retrieve implicit data because XML does not have inference capabilities associated with its elements.
Tree Pattern Matching Approach
An ontology is a data model that defines a set of classes and the relationships between those classes.
Tree Pattern Matching Approach
MPEG-7 Metadata Generator: This component is used for the generation of metadata (color, size, etc) which is guided by the appropriate ontology. MPEG-7 Query Generator: This component is used to convert the user queries into MPEG-7 format. Tree Generator: This component is used to convert the MPEG-7 format query into a labeled ordered tree structure. A labeled tree is the one in which each node has specific label and an ordered tree is the one in which the parent child relationship and the left to right ordering among siblings are significant. Searching Strategy: This component is based on the tree embedded approximation algorithm which is used to match the user query tree with the MPEG-7 data tree and retrieve the appropriate results for the user query.
Tree Pattern Matching Approach
Conclusion Tree pattern matching approach works better than the QBIC’s content based retrieval approach since the tree pattern matching approach supports semantic queries which are not supported by QBIC. QBIC’s content based retrieval can be improved by incorporating ontology similar to the semantic tree pattern matching approach.