Actual situation in SR Zrece, 25. – 26.09 2012. Trade Unions Odborový zväz KOVO (OZ KOVO)Odborový zväz KOVO (OZ KOVO) –Engineering, Metallurgy, Electrotechnic,


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Presentation transcript:

Actual situation in SR Zrece, 25. –

Trade Unions Odborový zväz KOVO (OZ KOVO)Odborový zväz KOVO (OZ KOVO) –Engineering, Metallurgy, Electrotechnic, Transport and public services Energeticko –Chemický odborový zväz (ECHOZ)Energeticko –Chemický odborový zväz (ECHOZ) –Chemistry and energetic Integrovaný odborový zväz (IOZ)Integrovaný odborový zväz (IOZ) –Building industry, transport (road and air), textile, clothes and leather

Membership base in KOZ SR from the year 2000 Year Nr. of members

Membership base OZ KOVO from the year 2006 Total amount of members Total Without pensioners Total Nr. of TU units Nr. of TU units with less than 50 members

Membership base IOZ Members Out of it textile, clothes and leather

Political situation Governmental statement of policy for the years 2012 – 2016 To reduce the impact of the crises and to strengthen the security of the citizens To decrease the high unemployment rate of the young people and conceptual solution of the problems regarding the long time and regional unemployment Consolidation of the public finance so that the deficit of the public finance will reach in the year 2013 the level under 3% of GDP; To support the economical growth and the price stability To increase the possibility of the obtaining the law and the systematic liquidation of the corruption on all the levels of the society; To consolidate the public health system insurance with the emphasis on its financial stabilization.

Finance Ministry forecast – same indicators (June 2012) Forecasts of some economic indicators in SR (in %) Indicator Reality Forecast GDP Final consumption of the households 3.83,93,12.2 Creation of the gross fix capital ,32.12,2 Export of goods and services ,64,54,6 Import of goods and services ,13,94,0 Average salary for economy – nominal 2.22,43,44,44,9 Average salary for economy – real ,20, Average growth of employment ,0 Average unemployment rate ,513.0 Index of the consumer prices ,12,12.2 Harmonized index of the consumer prices ,12.12,2 Balance of the ordinary account; share on GDP 0.10, Source: Finance Ministry

GDP / inhabitant in in the purchasing power parity Krajina/obdobie Krajina/obdobie EÚ Slovinsko EÚ Malta Luxembursko Grécko Nórsko Česká republika Švajčiarsko Portugalsko USA Slovensko6873 Holandsko Estónsko Rakúsko Maďarsko Írsko Poľsko Švédsko Lotyšsko Dánsko Chorvátsko Nemecko Litva Belgicko Turecko Fínsko Rumunsko Island Bulharsko Spojené kráľovstvo Čierna Hora Francúzsko Krajiny bývalej Juhoslávie Japonsko Srbsko Taliansko Albánsko Španielsko Bosna a Hercegovina Cyprus Source: Eurostat

Salaries share on GDP GDP split in SRGDP split in EU Country SalariesProfitsTaxisSalariesProfitsTaxis Slovakia41%49%10%38%53%8% Czech Republic41%49%9%42%49%9% Chile40%56%3%39%59%2% Ireland45% 10%44%46%10% Germany55%37%8%51%39%10% France52%34%14%53%34%13% USA57%36%7%55%38%7% Hungary45%40%15%44%41%15% Sweden54%33%13%53%30%16%

Unemployment rate in % Sources: ŠÚSR, UPSVAR The Nr. of unemployed reached in the first 3 months of 2012 the number Unemployment rate for the first 3 months of 2012 reached 14,1% The statistical unemployment rate was in July 13,27%

Inflation rate Zdroj údajov: ŠÚSR Indicator Consumer prices103,9103,8 103,6103,4103,6103,7 Foodstuff und nonalcoholic beverages103,5102,6103,7102,9102,3103,9104,6103,4 Alcoholic beverages and tobacco105105, ,1 102,6103,2103,9 Clothes and shoes102,6102,1101, , ,9102,1 Living, water, electricity, gas105,7105,5104,5 104,4 104,3104,8 Furniture, house equipment and maintenance100,3100,8100,4100,7100,9100,6100,8100,7 Health103,6103,5103, ,7105,2104,9104,7 Transport107,6108,1108, ,1106,7106,1107,4 Post and telecommunication99,999,8 Recreation and culture100,7 101,4101,5 101,8101,3 Education105,6105,7105,8 105, ,1105,8 Hotels, coffees and restaurants103103,3103,5103,3103,2103,5103,6103,3 Other items and services104,1104,6104,1103,8103,6103,9 104

Work productivity of one employee out of the added value Sektor /2009 Metallurgy ,2 Engineering ,6 Electrotechnical ,6 Transport ,3 Metall industry ,9 Industry ,9

Produktivita práce zamestnanca z pridanej hodnoty Sector change 2011/2009 Industry together € € €115,95% Production of coke, oil products € € €142,99% Production of chemicals € € €172,52% Production of the goods from rubber € € €124,57% Supply of electricity, gas, steam € € €94,25%

Average monthly salary (in EUR) Sektor /2009 Metallurgy1011,131117,071132,03112 Engineering784,76852,64907,13115,6 Elektrotechnik716,88755,63804,19112,2 Transport632,33652,3665,49105,2 Metall Industry797,46863,25912,21114,4 Industry792,57849,83899,08113,4 Average monthly salary in SR economy744, ,6

Average monthly salary ECHOZ (in €) Sector Change 2011/2009 Industry together799,42 €849,81 €895,08 €111,97% Production of coke, oil products1 754,38 €1 701,08 €1 797,75 €102,47% Production of chemicals869,56 €895,24 €957,56 €110,12% Production of the goods from rubber759,82 €824,47 €850,55 €111,94% Supply of electricity, gas, steam1 282,24 €1 328,92 €1 389,56 €108,37%

Year IOZ:816,92816,45852,52 Out of it: Building industry:891,01889,68952,56 Transport – MHD (road):835,47893,61884,62 Transport – air:890,16915,93925,66 Clothes, textile and leather:444,06454,55485,69 Road infrastructure:752,06770,3811,05 Professional High schools:641,35676,29697,28 Average salary in different sectors Building industry558, Industrial production: *731, Transport:700, *including textile, clothing, leather Average monthly salary in IOZ (in EUR)

Salary costs of one hour in Euro in 2011 (in companies with 10 and more employees) Remarque: in the year 2011 has not been published the salaries of Greece and Romania Source: Eurostat

Profitability of the own capital of some companies Zdroj údajov: SK NaceSectorNameProfitability 24METALLURGY Bekaert Hlohovec, a.s.21,81% U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.9.54% 25EngineeringVýroba kovových konštrukcií STROJTECH, s.r.o.68,36% ZVS holding, a.s.8,99% 28EngineeringVýroba strojov a zariadení i.n. MATADOR HOLDING, a.s.95,46% STROJE A MECHANIZMY, a.s.12,94% INA Kysuce, a.s.0,81% WUSAM, a.s.0,56% 29EngineeringVýr. motorových vozidiel.. PCA Slovakia, s.r.o. 34,37% KIA Motors Slovakia s.r.o11.79% 30EngineeringVýr.ostatných dopravných zariadení ZTS Strojárne, s.r.o.9.54%, 26ElektrotechnikVýroba počítač, elektron. a optic. výrobkov SEZ Krompachy a.s.0,35% 27ElektrotechnikVýroba elektrických zariadení. Leoni Slowakia spol. s r.o.27,84% SAMSUNG Electronics Slovakia s.r.o.18,75% EMERSON akciová spoločnosť12,50% ELTECO, a.s.12,36% Panasonic AVC Networks Slovakia s.r.o.6,93% 35ServicesDodávka elektriny, plynu, pary.. ZSE Energia, a.s.73,67% 49.3TransportOsobná pozemná doprava SAD Humenné, a.s.6,53% Slovak Lines, a.s.2.22% eurobus, a.s.1,96%

Info from the EU states in 2011 Zdroj údajov: Eurostat Country Average week working time Labour productivity of one hour for one employee (EU 27= 100) One year work productivity for one employee (EU 27 = 100) One hour labour costs GDP on foodstuff Greece42,175,993,3n11% Czech Republic41,168,473,510,510% Bulgaria40,943,5 3,57% Slovakia40,673,980,28,420% Poland40,555,768,97,17% Rumania40,3n51,1n9% Cyprus39,98089,116,58% Hungary39,560,172718% Slovenia39,580,480,914,49% Portugal39,264,375,312,113% Lithuania38,957,464,65,510% Estonia38,758,167,68,19% Malta38,7n91,111,95% Spain38,4107,8110,420,68% Latvia38,252,662,25,99% France38129,2115,434,26% Austria37,8115,5116,229,210% Italy37,5102,1109,626,810% Finland37,2107,7109,529,713% Luxembourg37n171,133,712% Belgium36,8n127,339,312% Sweden36,5115,511539,112% UK36,4n103,920,15% Germany35, ,430,17% Ireland34, ,527,414% Denmark33,7119,1110,138,613% Holland30,5133,2111,431,16%

Collective Bargaining in Slovakia Tripartite (Labour Code) – national level Collective Agreement of the higher level - sectoral agreement Company collective Agreement

Coverage of the collective agreements Development of the CA coverage, organization rate in TU and employers in the employers associations Source: VISSER, Jelle: ICTWSS Database 3.0, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS), University of Amsterdam, 2010

Coverage of the collective agreements Share of the employees coverage by the CA based on the level of the CA in the EU states Source: VISSER, Jelle: ICTWSS Database 3.0, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS), University of Amsterdam, 2010

Main problems in SR  High unemployment rate of the productively population, in particular of the youth younger than 35  Weak obtaining of the law, average length of the legal proceedings  Consolidation of the public finances (decrease of the deficit under 3 % of GDP)  The minimal labour standards are not fulfill, weakened labour legislative security of the employees  Law salaries levels, weak purchasing power of the citizens  Law coverage of the employees by the collective agreements, proceeding of the formalization of the social dialogue on all the levels  High inflation rate, increased prices of the energies and petrol

TU objectives for the future  To increase the labour legislative security of the employees via the amendment of the Labour Code from the and others legislative directives (f.e. Act on Collective Bargaining, Act on Health and Safety, Penal Code)  To strengthen the position of the employees' representatives in the labour relations, in particularly of the trade unions – to return to the LC before  To extend the possibilities of the branch collective agreements extension  To improve the rules for the introducing of the flexible working forms – not to precarious work  To increase the real salaries of the workers (to increase the minimal salary and the salary zones)