Bellringer 10/15 What do you think this cartoon is about? What do you think is happening? Reminders: HW #6 on Fri and Lab Fee NOW!


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Presentation transcript:

Bellringer 10/15 What do you think this cartoon is about? What do you think is happening? Reminders: HW #6 on Fri and Lab Fee NOW!

Cells Part 1

What are cells? The Building Blocks of Life The cell is the smallest structural unit capable of performing life functions.

Discovery of Cells English Scientist, Robert Hooke, discovered cells while looking at a thin slice of cork (bark of tree)

The invention of the microscope Anton von Leuwenhoek, invented the microscope and observed pond scum and discovered single celled organisms

Where do cells come from? Rudolf Virchow, concluded that cells must come from preexisting cells. Biogenesis – Life can only be formed from existing life.

The Compound Light Microscope Lenses Light Up to x1500 bigger

Our Microscope…

The Cell Theory 1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells. 2. The Cell is the smallest working unit of living things. 3. All cells come from pre-existing cells through cell division.

Basic Parts of a Cell All cells have these structures in common. 1. Nucleus- contains genetic material (DNA) 2. Cytoplasm – a semifluid matrix (like the eggwhite of an egg) 3. Plasma membrane – a phospholipid bilayer- like the shell of an egg 4. Organelles- small specialized structures in the cytoplasm

1st Look at THE CELL!!!

Examples of Cells Amoeba Plants Red Blood Cell Nerve Cell Bacteria

Two Types of Cells ProkaryoticEukeryotic REMEMBER US

Prokaryotic Cells Do not have a membrane-bound nucleus or organelles Few internal structures (organelles) Usually one-celled organisms like bacterias

Eukaryotic Cells They do contain a membrane-bound nucleus and organelles and are more complex. May be unicellular or multicellular 1. Plant 2. Animal

“Typical” Animal Cell

“Typical” Plant Cell

BELLRINGER 10/22 Match! Answers only! 5 Minutes! USE YOUR NOTES/BOOK!


Surrounding the Cell

Cell Membrane (Animal and Plant) Outer membrane boundary of cell that controls movement in and out of the cell Double layer with pores (holes)

Cell Wall (Plant) Most commonly found in plant cells & bacteria Supports & protects cells Rigid (tough), outside the cell membrane Contains cellulose

Inside the Cell

Nucleus (Plant and Animal) Directs cell activities- the brain of the cell Separated from cytoplasm by nuclear membrane (envelope) Contains chromatin (DNA)

Endoplasmic Reticulum (Animal and Plant) Highly folded membrane that produces, transports proteins Smooth type: lacks ribosomes Rough type: ribosomes embedded in surface

Ribosomes (Plant and Animal) Each cell contains thousands Make proteins Found on ribosomes, nuclear envelope & floating throughout the cell

Mitochondria (Plant and Animal) Produces energy (ATP) through chemical reactions Highly folded membranes Has its own DNA

Golgi Apparatus (Plant and Animal) Protein 'packaging plant' Move materials within the cell Move materials out of the cell Flat tube system

Lysosomes (Animal) Digestive factory and breaks down waste (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) with enzymes Transports undigested material to cell membrane for removal Cell breaks down if lysosome explodes

Vacuoles (Plant and Animal) Membrane-bound sacs for storage, digestion, and waste removal Contains water Help plants maintain shape Many small in animal, 1 big one in plant cells

Chloroplast (Plant) Found in plant cells Contains chlorophyll (gives color green to plants) Where photosynthesis takes place (plants make own food from light energy)

Centrioles (Animal) Only in animal cells Play role in cell division (mitosis) Organize microtubules in bundles Make up the centrosome (near the nucleus)

Cillia and Flagella (Animal and Prokaryotes) Mostly in unicellular organisms (animal only) and bacteria For movement and fluid transport Cilia = many little hairs on the cell body Flagella = few/one tail(s)

Cytoskeleton (Plant and Animal) Network of rods (microtubule) and filaments (microfilaments) Gives cell support, structure and shape Involved in cell division (mitosis) and transport

The BIG Picture again! QUIZ TIME!!!! USE THE FOLLOWING SLIDES and your NOTES to answer the following… 1.Identify the cells that follow. 2.Identify 3 organelles that exist in BOTH plant and animal cells. 3.Identify 2 organelles that exist ONLY in an animal cell. 4.Identify 2 organelles that exist ONLY in a plant cell. 5.What is the difference between cilia and flagella? 6.Identify 2 differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

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