BEHAVIOR They do not fight with each other. They are extremely gentle. They communicate by squealing.
Manatees are mammals. Manatees are warm- blooded. Manatees have some hair. Manatee mothers feed their babies milk.
There are different kinds of manatees. West Indian Manatee Amazonian Manatee Florida Manatee Dugong Stellar Sea Cow
DIET WATER HYACINTHS SEAGRASS ALGAE Manatees can eat 100 lbs of plants a day!
THREATS TO MANATEES Loss of living space, or habitat. Boats Pollution such as trash and chemicals
SAVE THE MANATEES! Work with conservationists to help establish manatee refuges so that manatees can live undisturbed. Work with the government to establish laws forbidding the hunting of manatees. Help people to become educated about manatees. Work to help keep our environment clean!
Work Cited: Pictures from Microsoft Publisher Information from ids/cb02.html ids/cb02.html