No SUBJECT DETAIL 1.Subject NameComputer Security 2.CodeTMK StatusCore 4.Credit Hour3 5.SemesterSemester 4, Year 2 6.PrerequisiteTMK 232 – Computer Organizations and Operating System TMR 253 – Networking and Data Telecommunication 7.Teaching MethodLecture 8.AssessmentTest 115% Test 215% Assignment (3)15% Quizzes (4)15% Final Exam40% TOTAL100%
COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the subject, student are expected to: Understand the basic concept of computer security system. Understand the computer security method and ethics in computer security.
SYNOPSIS This course will be introducing the concept on basic computer security. It will be cover the basic computer security definitions, computer network security method, which involves the concept of network prevention and hacking. The use of firewall application will be discusses and the topic planning and security control management will be emphasis.
COURSE CONTENTS Refer the syllabussyllabus
BOOKS & REFERENCES Pfleeger, C.P Security In Computing. London: Prentice Hall. Smith, R Commonsense Computer Security. United Kingdom: McGraw-Hill. Stallings, W Cryptography and Network Security: Priciples and Practice. New York: Prentice-Hall.