Modified 3 – Tier Start Time School Year
Overview +30 Minutes Elementary Day Increase & 6 of 7 3 Tier No Transportation Employees Eliminated 30 minutes can now be added to Elementary Student Day 6 of 7 requires modification to existing 3 Tier Routing System due to insufficient run time between High School and Elementary under present sequence. North End Schools Remain on 2 Tier System Bratt, Northview, Century/Carver, Ernest Ward, Molino Park Cost savings in excess of 1 million dollars
Present vs. Proposed – Why the change? Present Proposed HS ES MS 40 ES HS MS 6 of 7 reduces window by 25 minutes
Why the Shift? Elementary constrained by the high school day When high school day is adjusted (less) there is even less time to run buses in the morning and afternoon Less time means more buses are required running with less occupancy – 2 & 3 buses doing what 1 could do if there was enough time Can never lengthen the elementary day as long as the elementary student day is “inside” the arrival and dismissal times for High School
Run Times Are Optimized Enough time to maximize bus capacity (one bus doing one bus worth of work) Enough time to make the complete run and still arrive on time Enough time to ensure maximized Bus Operator available work time within contract constraints More run time = fewer routes to a point of diminishing returns
ACTUAL - BEULAH WITH A 40 MINUTE WINDOW (7.03M) Not enough time to cover the whole attendance zone
PROPOSED - BEULAH WITH A 20 MINUTE WINDOW (1.90M) Even worse with reduction in high school day
Start Times Elementary School 7:30 High School8:30 Middle School9:30
Resulting Run Reduction Reduction of 90 Runs (42 Elementary, 25 Middle School and 23 High School) 1 Route is composed of 3 Runs (1 Elementary, 1 Middle School and 1 High School) $36,000 three run bus cost or $12,000/run 90 Runs x $12,000 = $1.08 MILLION Saved
Transportation General Schedule Minor deviations will occur as a result of site specific operating constraints AM. Bus ArrivalAM. Bus Departure School StartPM. Bus Arrival School Dismissal PM. Bus Departure Elementary School 7:057:257:301:502:002:10 High School 8:158:258:303:253:353:40 Middle School 9:159:259:304:254:304:35
Savings Conservatively: $ 1,080,000