Subject Coordinators Day 2
What’s on the agenda? News The curriculum …and a bus ride! Resources – your ideas for books, films etc Your turn to discuss, argue, exchange views Next session
social, emotional and spiritual development personalised learning that is meaningful, creative and sustainable an experience of learning characterised by breadth and richness – infused by established and new forms of knowledge (ensuring access and expression across the primary curriculum) good progress in the functional skills of literacy, maths and ICT reaching age-related expectations (for almost all) achieving personal well-being developing a sense of social justice and responsibility – learning to be a 21st Century global citizen realising who I am and what I can be. social, emotional and spiritual development personalised learning that is meaningful, creative and sustainable an experience of learning characterised by breadth and richness – infused by established and new forms of knowledge (ensuring access and expression across the primary curriculum) good progress in the functional skills of literacy, maths and ICT reaching age-related expectations (for almost all) achieving personal well-being developing a sense of social justice and responsibility – learning to be a 21st Century global citizen realising who I am and what I can be. In Hampshire, the following needs are met through the curriculum… This is the primary entitlement
Layer 1 Defining the purpose
Layer 2 - Exploring our understandings
Layer 3- Planning the learning
Layer 4 -Learning in action (as experienced by children)
Layer 5 -Reaching and achieving outcomes
Ready? Hope so – you’re driving the bus You Your class
Plan your route from the centre out It might be one way or circular, but you need to be able to get off at any time and find your way home
The first leg always starts at the centre so you can get off at the first stop, if you wish, confident that that you have done the main sights
Or you can stay on for the next leg but each leg takes you further away from the you further away from the centre, out to the suburbs – relatively unfamiliar territory
We’ve done the basics, now We are beginning to broaden our range on this next leg
Remember, you can get off at any of the stops But not in-between because that would be silly, not to say dangerous
Every time you decide to miss a stop and stay on the bus, you move further out, deeper into the countryside of the enquiry
You can always nip back to base from time to time before venturing off again
Are all your passengers managing to keep up – no travel sickness I hope
You can get out to some fairly challenging Places (this is new)
Or you can follow more traditional routes, but deeper
And deeper
We might even get lost or just plain lonely
This far out its dangerous and you can get into trouble… fun though
Film Resource
Over to you …
Next time… Please bring with you Letters and Sounds, CLLD Phonics at KS2, and Support for Spelling