Update Overview Data by grade level bus students SY Options we considered to address transportation challenge presented on 7/6/15 Where we are heading—options, next steps, and longer-term planning 2
SY Bus Students Number of Students Riding Buses By School by Grade 3
What were the options we considered to minimize impact on our families? Initial Option Focused on reducing number entitled to busing by following the 2 mile state policy. New Option Increase Capacity We worked with our central office team to identify ways to increase our capacity to transport our students for SY 2015 –
Increasing our Transportation Capacity Good News! We identified ways to Increase capacity with the addition of 2 district owned and operated buses. This approach increases our capacity to transport our students and opens the path to owning and operating a fleet of buses owned by SPS. 5
New Option: Increase SPS Transportation Capacity by Owning Buses How is this strategy being funded? Available Resources Operating - $64,000 in Transportation Line Transportation Line $496,000 Contracted Buses $72,000 * 6 = $432,0000 Capital - $155,000 Approved in FY16 CIP 6
Which possible scenarios were considered? Scenario #1 Operating Add 1 bus under Contact - $72,000 Lease 1 Bus – $40,000 Lease $18,000 Driver $22,000 Funding for Added Costs Fuel Adjustment 7
Which possible scenarios were considered? Scenario #2 – Preferred Scenario Capital & Operating Capital - $140,000 estimated Purchase Buses New Buses $ $95,000 Used Buses $25,000 - $50,000 Have identified Sources of Available Buses Operating 2 Drivers - $45,000 Starts SPS on path to owning and operating buses & significantly reduces impact for our students. 8
Contracting Buses vs Owning Cost Analysis Driver Licensing/Recruitment Underway 9
Policy Recommendations Same as SY Mileage - Limits be set to this past year’s limits Grades K to 2 1 Mile Grades 3 to Miles Grade 6 2 Miles Grades 7 to 12 On a space available basis with fee as appropriate Eligibility for Students Not Entitled to District-Provided Transportation – Set to this past year requirement Any student who lives closer than 1 mile to the school that he or she attends shall not be eligible to purchase transportation.. 10
Where We are Heading: Next Steps, Initiatives, and Longer Term Plans Additional Tools GIS Mapping - Underway Routing/Planning Software Improve Efficiency and Bus utilization Installation Underway Site is built, data files being generated, training targeted for Mid August. Re-examine How we are doing things Central Pick Ups Hub and Spoke Reviewing Last Year’s routes for opportunities. Establish Distance to Bus Stop Guidance New On Line Application Access through My School Bucks – Up and running 11
Re-examine How We Are Doing Things There are still challenges to be addressed by improving our efficiency in our routes. 12
Next Steps SPS team begins plotting routes – Starting soon New software by mid-August – On Schedule Revise routes for increased efficiency Communication strategy for families Letter mailed to all students - Week July 6 Letter mailed to all current riders who live more than 2 miles informing them that no application is needed - Week July 13 Applications accepted starting July 13 Applications being processed and entered into database All Call with Update – Week July 27 Letters updating on Application Status – Week July 27 Revisit transportation plans in August 17 SC meeting 13