CCSS Assessments Presenter: Dr. Cindy Thomas
Session Objectives: Who developed the new CCSS assessment? What types of questions are on the math assessment? How can I prepare myself? How can I prepare my students?
New Comprehensive Assessment Facts: Two newly formed state consortia - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) * A warded Race to the Top grants to develop assessment systems that are aligned with the CCSS. U.S. Dept. of Ed!
PARCC replaces Second Edition (MCT2) in grades 3-8 Replaces (SATP2) for English II and Algebra I. Students will continue to take current SATP2 tests in U.S. History and Science. New Comprehensive Assessment Facts continued:
What shift in instructional strategies or activities will you implement to ensure your students are adequately prepared for the new CCSS assessment? What prior knowledge and skills are needed by students in order for them to be successful when taking the new CCSS assessment? Essential Question s:
Flows Leading to Algebra
PARCC Assessments will include: ★ Diagnostic and Midyear Assessments (both optional) ★ Performance based assessments (eoy) ★ End of year or Summative assessments (eoy) ★ Technology-enhanced items ★ Timely data that will support teachers to meet the needs of their current students
The following are the key shifts in instruction called for by the Common Core: Greater focus on fewer topics. Coherence: Linking topics and thinking across grades. Rigor: Students are able to understand concepts, procedures and application with equal force.
Shift in Calculator Usage
Types of Items on the PARCC Assessment? Selected Response Constructed Response Performance Task Technology Enhanced Items What do my students need to know and be able to do? How can I help prepare my students?
Dissecting an Assessment Item Sample Work Space Read the Sample Assessment Item. Underline the content, circle the skill and put a box around the context of the assessment item. Then complete the form below. What does the assessment item require the student to do? Content: What are you working on? Skills: Task Words indicating what you need to do? Context: Scope or limitations Restate: The student must be able to_______________________________________ What should the student be able to do to emerge successful in solving the assessment item? (Pre- requisite skills) ______________________________________ _______________ ______________________ ______________________________________ Pre-planning Notes: As a teacher, I must make sure_______________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________
Sample Selected Response (SR) Item MCT2 CCSS
Sample Constructed Response (CR) Item
Sample Technology Enhanced (TE) Item
Sample Performance Task
Directions: 1.Read the assessment item. 2. Identify the content, skills and context. 3.Identify the item type as SR, CR, TE or Performance task. 4.How would you teach the objective relative to this assessment item in your classroom? Click the link above to visit the PARCC Assessment site!
What can you do to prepare? Go to assessment and take practice assessments assessment Model your assessments after PARCC Have students complete performance task and constructed response items.
How to navigate a Sample PARCC Assessment: