Welcome to Back to School Night Dr. Lorraine Cella, Principal/Superintendent x 200 Dr. Dinah Braude, Supervisor x 204 Mrs. Brenda Kenter, Nurse x 209 Mrs. Debbie King, Club, NJ ASK Testing, Staff Development Coordinator x 215 PTO Presidents Edgewater Library
Changes at EVG Grade Level Building Wings Departmentalized Grade 5 Semi-departmentalized Grade 6 Return of music room, science lab, art room, ESL, Spanish classrooms iPad initiative
Ever-Changing Role of Teachers Learning new Common Core Standards Attending professional development days and in- service days Participating in Professional Learning Communities Working in grade level groups and vertical articulation groups
Building Goals and Curricular Initiatives Language Arts and Math Curriculum Emphasis on Reading and Writing Workshop Fifth and Sixth Grade teachers are further developing Science and Social Studies Units After School Clubs are fun and engaging Field Trips enhance curricular goals
NJ ASK Grades 3 – 6 MAP Assessments Grade 6 through Leonia Public Schools October 8 PM annual testing report presented to the public In 2014 new assessments will replace NJ ASK: PARCC: Standardized Testing
What’s not tested, but what is key to the education of our students…. “Student-ing” Skills: Teach children how to be students Habits of Mind: determination, stamina, cooperation, creativity, curiosity, effort, judgment, conceptual thinking Motivation and Volition (will power and self- control) Meta-cognition: the ability to think about thinking
Absences Late Nurse Parties/Food Cafeteria Lunches Arrival and Dismissal Students should not be in the playground after hours without a parent or guardian. Parent – Student Handbook
Website Parents as Partners Parent Forum: Educational Issues Date: October 26: 9 a.m. Parents are needed to translate! Please see ESL teacher, Mrs. London
When parents have a question….. First: Contact the teacher and arrange to sit down and discuss. If not satisfied, contact Dr. Braude (discipline issue) x 204 Dr. Cella (teacher issue) x 200
7:45 – 8:10 p.m. – Classroom presentation along with Special Educators 8:15 – 8:45 p.m. – Classroom presentation along with Special Educators Media Center : Art, ESL, Supplemental, Enrichment, Music, Media Specialist, Physical Education, Spanish Nurse: will be in her office on the lower level Tonight’s Schedule