WELCOME TO SIXTH GRADE VERBAL GATE Please sign in and complete a survey. Mrs. Ingargiola
FYI: I have been teaching at Hammarskjöld for 15 years. I have extremely high expectations for my students, and I do not intend to lower them! I never expect perfection… just excellence and effort. This will be (and should be) a challenging yet rewarding year for your child. I promise that if your child works hard, he/she will see tremendous growth in both reading and writing. Try to remember that growth is important, not just grades! I can’t do it alone - please help at home by encouraging your child to work hard!
THEMES OF 6 TH GRADE VERBAL: Ethical Issues/Mystery -Agatha Christie’s – And Then There Were None (November & December) Justice - Harper Lee’s - To Kill a Mockingbird (March, April & May) Tolerance - Todd Strasser’s - The Wave (June)
ADDITIONAL UNITS OF STUDY: Short Stories: This is our first unit of study; its purpose is to teach students how to analyze text for the elements of literature and eventually, how to write a literary essay. Trials: Students will participate in a mock trial using familiar fairy- tales. Students will learn courtroom procedures and complete an entire trial - start to finish. New York Times: Exposure to non-fiction is paramount for our children. Students will read from the NY Times every Wednesday in class to practice critical non-fiction reading skills. Cultural Scrapbooks: Within our unit on tolerance, students will complete a scrapbook highlighting their culture and family. (More on that later!)
CULTURAL SCRAPBOOK: Students will complete a scrapbook that chronicles their family history, their culture, and their lives. Work will begin in early March. Students will work with a published author and former journalist in a Writing Residency program to develop interview skills, non-fiction writing skills and revision techniques.
Verbal GATE Grading Policy: Grading CategoryPercentage of Grade Homework Stop & Jots, Paragraph Drafting, etc. 5% Word Work & Grammar (SAT Prep: College Board & Princeton Review designed for the new SAT) 15% (Assessments twice per quarter) Reading Workshop (Literary Essays & Multiple Choice in response to Reading material) 40% Writing Workshop (Process piece writings per unit of study) 40%
READING: Students must always have an IR book in class. They are required to read at least 5 times a week for 30 minutes. Teacher and student conferences are held frequently. Each marking period, running records are completed during conferences. The goal is to move every child to be an independent reader! Reading Journal – Notes and thoughts are completed on a daily basis. Journals should reflect understanding of the concepts taught in each unit of reading instruction. Journals are a valuable student resource. Post- It notes are assigned often, but are not a daily requirement. Throughout a unit of study and/or at the end of a unit of study, students will complete an assessment to demonstrate their ability to apply/use the skills taught in class. Assessments are designed to better prepare students for PARCC.
WRITING: Students write on a daily basis. Mystery, poetry, drama (trial script), genre of choice pieces. PARCC Preparation: (Narrative, Literary Analysis, Research Based Simulation) Research Paper – Civil rights topics
MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION: Scholastic Book Orders – Offered throughout the year. You can order online - follow the link from my webpage! CLASS CODE = GQKRD Plan ahead for upcoming units of study (for now, look for mystery independent reading books). Orders are accepted any time! Classroom Library/Media Center – Students are welcome to borrow books from either. Note: Students must read on their reading level! Please use my class webpage! Subscribe to the Newsflash for updates!
B&N FESTIVAL: This year, Verbal students will have the unique opportunity to present their cultural scrapbooks at Barnes and Noble in East Brunswick. An evening of scrapbook presentations will take place Tuesday, May 24 th and Thursday, May 26 th from 7:00-8:30 P.M. Stations will be set up throughout the store and students will have a schedule to follow informing them of where and when to read. Our program will receive a percentage of all sales from the evening to be used on purchasing new books for our classroom We hope you will help!
SUGGESTED APPS: These Apps are a great (& FREE) investment for your child if she/he has a Smartphone, tablet, etc. NY Times – Students can read up to 10 free articles per month! A great source of up-to-date nonfiction reading material. Dictionary.com – Students will receive the “Word of the Day” and use this App to define unfamiliar words in NY Times articles and IR texts. The Official SAT Question of the Day – Designed by College Board, this app allows students to practice a vocabulary, language, (or math) question on a daily basis.
QUESTIONS? CONCERNS? Please me: Thank you for stopping in tonight!