Illinois PARCC Update Dan Frederking Illinois State Board of Education August 20, 2015
State Budget A budget isn’t final at this time. The Governor, legislative leaders, and their staff will continue discussions on finalizing a state spending plan for fiscal year As a result, there are still a number of decisions to be finalized in the area of assessment. 2
Update Listservs Assessment Listserv Send a blank with “SUBSCRIBE” in the subject line to Technology Point-of-Contact Listserv Send a blank with “SUBSCRIBE” in the subject line to 3
Test Design Changes Combined PBA and EOY into one window Test window will be 30 days long (dates will be announced soon) Test time is reduced for most students by 60 mins for math and 30 mins for ELA. Each year a limited number of students will participate in an additional embedded ELA field-test unit. 5
With the changes, students in all grades will participate in fewer test units. 7
PARCC Dates Schools will set their own 30 day window between roughly 75% and 90% of instruction. Earliest date to schedule is March 7. Some details still being discussed. Unit Times: parcc/2016/2016-spring-PARCC-unit- times.pdf parcc/2016/2016-spring-PARCC-unit- times.pdf 8
Test Design Changes s/2015/parcc/parcc-test-design-change- graphic0515.pdfhttp:// s/2015/parcc/parcc-test-design-change- graphic0515.pdf The 2015 Fall Block administration will still follow the old test design and be administered in 2 separate test windows. 9
2015 FALL BLOCK 10
FALL BLOCK SCHOOL YEAR (FALL 2015) Districts have the option to participate in the Fall Block administration. Districts may choose to test students normally served during the Fall Block administration later in the Spring administration. Test Administration Window -- Ten consecutive days of attendance within the PARCC window of dates below PARCC Fall Block Window Dates: –PBANovember 9-December 18 –EOYDecember 7-January 29 11
FALL BLOCK SCHOOL YEAR (FALL 2015) Fall Block will be offered as an ONLINE administration only. Districts that need to utilize paper MUST test those students during the Spring Administration. Integrated Mathematics I, II, and III will NOT be offered during Fall Block. Student in those courses MUST test during the Spring Administration. 12
Diagnostic and Formative The consortium will make them available to districts once it becomes possible. Right now they are tied to platform contract negotiations. When they do become available (hopefully late fall or winter) they will be optional and at no cost this year. 14
Teacher Leader Cadre (TLC) Designed to promote collaboration and networking among teachers. Will have a bigger presence in Anyone interested can send a blank with the subject line “TLC” to 16
Teacher Leader Cadre (TLC) Northwest Region – Yellow Northeast Region – Dark Green Chicago Region – Orange West Region – Blue East Region – Purple Southwest Region – Light Green Southeast Region – Red
Contact Assessment Office SIS Help Desk (Option 2) 19 PARCC Support Center Dan Frederking