R EGIONAL I NTERIM A SSESSMENT P ROJECT (DCA) Session 3 March 27, 2015 and March 31,
PARCC A SSESSMENTS Link to online and paper based assessments Link to answer keys 4
AGENDA Norms of Collaboration Feedback from Last Session Poll Everywhere Interim #3 Data Discussion eDoctrina Standards Activity Blueprint Lunch Interim Assessment #4 Creation 5
NORMS OF COLLABORATION Limit side conversations Silence your devices Actively participate Help to quiet the room – raise your hand 6
FEEDBACK FROM LAST SESSION 7 PLUSES Short-term intervention protocol Carousel activity Being able to start working before lunch
FEEDBACK FROM LAST SESSION 8 WISHES Check work to make sure questions on the test match answers on the rationale Blueprints developed instead of starting from scratch More resources for questions
INTERIM ASSESSMENT #3 If you come across errors or items that need to be modified notate on one of the blank copies and save for next session or give to one of us. 10 Identify 2 of the major standards from Interim #3 where your students were weak. DISCUSS!
e-D OCTRINA At your tables you have 2 reference sheets for eDoctrina How to Copy an Assessment from WNY JMT How to Pull Questions from the Question Bank 11
STANDARDS ACTIVITY Read the standards Complete all or some of the released assessment items to get an understanding of how the standard is assessed Summarize the skills needed from your grade level in order to prepare the students for the next grade level 12
B LUEPRINT What is it? More detailed outline of what will be assessed Contains sample items for each standard to help frame what assessment questions will look like Entire standard is written out to ensure assessment items are truly aligned to the standards Emphasis and trend data are included now Why do we need it? This will help prioritize the standards to create a focused assessment 13
BLUEPRINT We changed it! It is a combination of the original scope and sequence document along with the blueprint. 14
BEFORE LUNCH Complete a Blueprint for Interim #4 Game plan for creating assessment or if you finish early begin creating the assessment 15
ASSESSMENT WRITING Write Interim Assessment #4 covering approximately 160 days of instruction Create the Answer Key & Rationale with proper annotations and standards for your assessment Keep in mind the Balance of Rigor 16
A SSESSMENT & A NSWER K EY Make sure assessment matches the answer key and rationale Accuracy of assessment and answer keys must be done at grade level tables; we try our best but when we send out the final assessments we encourage your review again Answer key is made for data driven instruction analysis process 17
BY THE END OF THE DAY Interim #4 Blueprint with sample items Interim #4 Assessment completed, formatted, and ready to be printed for administration Interim #4 Answer Key with DETAILED rationale and solutions to all problems (include point values for CR) If you decide to format the above items in a word document please send it to Please fill out an evaluation before you leave and place it in the box on the table up front 18