Thompson Runs Precipitation Comparison John D. McMillen.


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Presentation transcript:

Thompson Runs Precipitation Comparison John D. McMillen

My GSLE Total Accum. Precip UTC WRF 3.4 Thom 3.4

WRF 3.4 Thom Total Accum. Precip UTC

My GSLE Total Accum. Precip UTC WRF 3.4 Thom 3.4

WRF Thom 3.4 Total Accum. Precip UTC

WRF Thom Total Accum. Precip. Compiled in my File structure

Trevor’s GSLE Total Accum. Precip UTC WRF Thom 3.3.1

Total Accumulated Precipitation Analysis UTC GSLE Domain RunMax Precip (mm) Mean Precip (mm) Percent Change In Mean Precip Area GTE 10 mm Precip (km 2 ) Area GTE 15 mm Precip (km 2 ) Area GTE 20 mm Precip (km 2 ) My Control N/A Trevor’s Control WRF Thom WRF 3.4 Thom

Total Accumulated Precipitation Analysis UTC GSLE Domain Percent Change in Mean Precipitation Microphysics Difference Model Difference Compiler Difference From My Control ( ) To WRF 3.4 Thom From My Control ( ) To WRF Thom From WRF Thom To WRF 3.4 Thom From Trevor’s Control ( ) To WRF Thom

My GSLE Total Accum. Graupel UTC WRF 3.4 Thom 3.4

WRF 3.4 Thom Total Accum. Graupel UTC

My GSLE Total Accum. Graupel UTC WRF 3.4 Thom 3.4

UTC WRF Thom 3.4 Total Accum. Graupel Compiled in my File structure

UTC WRF Thom Total Accum. Graupel Compiled in my File structure

Trevor’s GSLE Total Accum. Graupel UTC WRF Thom 3.3.1

Total Accumulated Graupel Analysis UTC GSLE Domain RunMax Precip (mm) Mean Precip (mm) Percent Change In Mean Precip Area GTE 2 mm Precip (km 2 ) Area GTE 10 mm Precip (km 2 ) Area GTE 15 mm Precip (km 2 ) Area GTE 20 mm Precip (km 2 ) My Control N/A Trevor’s Control WRF Thom WRF 3.4 Thom

Total Accumulated Graupel Analysis UTC GSLE Domain Percent Change in Mean Precipitation Microphysics Difference Model Difference Compiler Difference From My Control ( ) To WRF 3.4 Thom From My Control ( ) To WRF Thom From WRF Thom To WRF 3.4 Thom From Trevor’s Control ( ) To WRF Thom

My GSLE Total Accum. Snow UTC WRF 3.4 Thom 3.4

WRF 3.4 Thom Total Accum. Snow UTC

My GSLE Total Accum. Snow UTC WRF 3.4 Thom 3.4

UTC WRF Thom 3.4 Total Accum. Snow Compiled in my File structure

UTC WRF Thom Total Accum. Snow Compiled in my File structure

Trevor’s GSLE Total Accum. Snow UTC WRF Thom 3.3.1

Total Accumulated Snow Analysis UTC GSLE Domain RunMax Precip (mm) Mean Precip (mm) Percent Change In Mean Precip Area GTE 10 mm Precip (km 2 ) My Control N/A357 Trevor’s Control WRF Thom WRF 3.4 Thom

Total Accumulated Snow Analysis UTC GSLE Domain Percent Change in Mean Precipitation Microphysics Difference Model Difference Compiler Difference From My Control ( ) To WRF 3.4 Thom From My Control ( ) To WRF Thom From WRF Thom To WRF 3.4 Thom From Trevor’s Control ( ) To WRF Thom

My GSLE Total Accum. Rain UTC WRF 3.4 Thom 3.4

WRF 3.4 Thom Total Accum. Rain UTC

My GSLE Total Accum. Rain UTC WRF 3.4 Thom 3.4

WRF Thom 3.4 Total Accum. Rain UTC

Compiled in my File structure WRF Thom Total Accum. Rain

Trevor’s GSLE Total Accum. Rain UTC WRF Thom 3.3.1

Total Accumulated Rain Analysis UTC GSLE Domain RunMax Precip (mm) Mean Precip (mm) Percent Change In Mean Precip Area GTE 3 mm Precip (km 2 ) My Control N/A169 Trevor’s Control WRF Thom WRF 3.4 Thom

Total Accumulated Rain Analysis UTC GSLE Domain Percent Change in Mean Precipitation Microphysics Difference Model Difference Compiler Difference From My Control ( ) To WRF 3.4 Thom From My Control ( ) To WRF Thom From WRF Thom To WRF 3.4 Thom From Trevor’s Control ( ) To WRF Thom

Changes in Thompson Scheme Graupel Density Increased Changes Size Distribution More smaller graupel 1-3mm and less larger graupel >8mm Increases mass especially of larger graupel Causes more small graupel accumulation in my control Snow fall velocity parameter in the fall speed power law Increased snow fall speed Reduced accumulated snow in my control Thompson 2008 noted increased precipitation accumulation with decreased fall speed Cloud Ice mass/number balance adjusted Rain processes slightly changed

Conclusions Differences between controls are small Changes in Thompson appear to correlate with differences in controls I expanded my RIP abilities I performed analytical comparisons of wrfout data I examined the Thompson scheme on the code level to find what had changed between versions I need to do more…