How are we doing? Where are we going? How are we doing? Where are we going?
Spring 2012 NJ ASK Aligned to NJCCCS Spring 2013 NJ ASK Aligned to the CCSS (except gr 6-8 Math) Spring 2014 NJ ASK Aligned to the CCSS SY Full administratio n of PARCC assessments “Transitional Assessments”
* Guidelines for Student Assessment NJASK 95% of each student group must participate in the assessment process95% of each student group must participate in the assessment process Students enrolled in the district for less than one year will not be included in the accountability process Students with severe disabilities must be assessed using the DLM LEP students must be assessed Out-of-district students are included in their home school’s accountability process 95% of each student group must participate in the assessment process95% of each student group must participate in the assessment process Students enrolled in the district for less than one year will not be included in the accountability process Students with severe disabilities must be assessed using the DLM LEP students must be assessed Out-of-district students are included in their home school’s accountability process
* State Testing Parameters Special Education Limited English Proficient GenderEthnicity Economic Status Migrant Status Special Education Limited English Proficient GenderEthnicity Economic Status Migrant Status
English Language Arts General Education Student Performance GradetoGrade
English Language Arts Student Performance Special Education and Limited English Proficient GradetoGrade
MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICS General Education Student Performance GradetoGrade
MATHEMATICS Student Performance MATHEMATICS Student Performance Special Education and Limited English Proficient GradetoGrade
Spring 2012 NJ ASK Aligned to NJCCCS Spring 2013 NJ ASK Aligned to the CCSS (except gr 6-8 Math) Spring 2014 NJ ASK Aligned to the CCSS SY Full administratio n of PARCC assessments “Transitional Assessments”
* It’s NOT just about SCORES and PROFICIENCY…It’s about GROWTH: Student Growth Percentiles Student Growth Percentiles. The state will be looking for Student Growth Percentiles. SGP’s measure how much a student has learned from one year to the next compared to peers with similar academic history from across the state. PARCCthetoNJASK
1. Focus: The PARCC assessment will focus strongly where the Standards focus. 2. Coherence: Think across grades and link to major topics within grades. 3. Rigor: In major topics, pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application. 1. Focus: The PARCC assessment will focus strongly where the Standards focus. 2. Coherence: Think across grades and link to major topics within grades. 3. Rigor: In major topics, pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application.
Educator Evaluation PARCC Common Core Student Achievement Student Achievement
This year we were able to bring a Math Consultant to our district through NCLB funding. She is currently working with our middle school Math teachers twice a month. We continue to have a Literacy Consultant twice a month. For this year her focus will be on the middle school. We have a Professor in Residence from William Paterson University working with our teachers at Charles Olbon School. Curricula and materials continue to be reviewed, evaluated and updated with teacher input throughout the year to facilitate better learning.
We are continuing our membership with The Madison Institute as a consortium member. TMI provides our staff with meaningful academic institutes and workshops. We have instituted weekly Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in each school to examine data and use it to drive instruction and improve student learning. This year we will, once again, be sending teachers to the Columbia Teachers College Readers Writers Institutes during the summer.
We continue to support our students with Peer Tutoring in both Language Arts and Math after school. We provide ELL tutoring after school for our Limited English Proficient language learners. Classroom libraries continue to be expanded to reflect new Standards expectations and to support the Readers’ Workshop model. The literacy and math curricula and materials continue to be evaluated and streamlined to facilitate better learning.
It is our goal to develop curricula and programs, provide meaningful professional development to facilitate the best learning environment for our school community to improve student achievement.