MORNING ANNOUNCEMENTS TUESDAY, March 3, 2015 or visit the website at: under BHS Site Shortcuts
Performance Based Assessments (PBA) March 9-12 Delayed Start Information: Delayed Start Monday March 9 - Thursday March 12 for PARCC/AIR PBA Assessments Testing starts at 7:25 Delayed start students must be in 1 st period by 10:05 a.m.
PARCC Performance Based Assessment Schedules Performance Based Assessments Monday- 3/9 American History Test-All 10 th Grade students currently taking AM History Monday- 3/9 American History Test-All 10 th Grade students currently taking AM History Tuesday- 3/10 Algebra/Geometry Unit 1- All 9 th Grade Students currently in Algebra I, Geometry, Honors Geometry (Part 1) Tuesday- 3/10 Algebra/Geometry Unit 1- All 9 th Grade Students currently in Algebra I, Geometry, Honors Geometry (Part 1) Wednesday- 3/11 Algebra/Geometry Unit 2- All 9 th Grade Students currently in Algebra I, Geometry, Honors Geometry (Part 2) Wednesday- 3/11 Algebra/Geometry Unit 2- All 9 th Grade Students currently in Algebra I, Geometry, Honors Geometry (Part 2) Thursday- 3/12 Physical Science- 9 th Grade Students currently in Physical Science Thursday- 3/12 Physical Science- 9 th Grade Students currently in Physical Science Friday- 3/13 Regular School Day, No Delayed Start, & Make Up Assessments for PBA’s in American History, Algebra, Geometry, and Physical Science Friday- 3/13 Regular School Day, No Delayed Start, & Make Up Assessments for PBA’s in American History, Algebra, Geometry, and Physical Science Monday 3/16 to Wednesday 3/18- All 9 th Grade English Language Arts Unit 1, Unit 2, & Unit 3 (3 part test) Monday 3/16 to Wednesday 3/18- All 9 th Grade English Language Arts Unit 1, Unit 2, & Unit 3 (3 part test) Thursday- 3/19- Friday 3/20 Make ups for all test Thursday- 3/19- Friday 3/20 Make ups for all test
OGT TESTING WEEK March 16 th -20th 3/16 OGT Language Arts3/16 OGT Language Arts 3/17 OGT Math3/17 OGT Math 3/18 OGT Writing3/18 OGT Writing 3/19 OGT Science3/19 OGT Science 3/20 OGT Social Studies3/20 OGT Social Studies All 10 th Grade Students will take the OGT TestsAll 10 th Grade Students will take the OGT Tests OGT Make-ups March 23-27OGT Make-ups March Any 11 th -12 Th Grade Student who didn’t take the OGT’s or students who need to pass a section of the OGT’s will report for testing on the dates listedAny 11 th -12 Th Grade Student who didn’t take the OGT’s or students who need to pass a section of the OGT’s will report for testing on the dates listed OGT are required for students in the classes of OGT are required for students in the classes of Delayed Start 3/16-3/20 for students not taking the OGT PARCC AIRDelayed Start 3/16-3/20 for students not taking the OGT PARCC AIR 9 th Grade students must report ALL Week9 th Grade students must report ALL Week
Senior Scholarship List The Scholarship List has been updated on the Guidance Website under Senior Scoop
HUDDLE IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR NEXT SCHOOL YEAR If you are tobacco, alcohol, and drug free, and would like to help 5 th grade students to follow in your footsteps, then HUDDLE may be for you. The program consists of Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors who, by acting as role models, present monthly prevention lessons in pairs to fifth grade students. HUDDLE Applications are in the East and West Offices and need to be returned by Friday, March 6th. No late applications will be accepted.
If you know of anything that might put you, your friends or our school in danger, call the Safe School Helpline. It’s free and confidential, 24 hours/7 days a week VOICE, ext TEXT: 66746, TIPS
The purpose of the Ski Box is for students, teachers, or anyone in the school to submit a personal concern. If you are worried about school Having trouble with another student Worried about a friend Other concerns Please stop by the West, Center, East or Guidance Offices and fill out a form and place in the box. PLEASE NOTE: If there is an emergency and you or someone you know is in IMMEDIATE danger, go tell someone directly.
ATTENTION SOPHOMORES: Students–There’s still time to get your application into the Medina County Career Center! Get them to your counselor as soon as possible or apply online at Applications will be sent to the Career Center Friday afternoon. Juniors… remember, you can apply too!