천연물 약리 및 독성학 Pharmacology and Toxicology of Natural Products 장일무 서울대학교 천연물과학연구소
Development of Life Science from 19th C to 20th C Anatomy(Body Structure) –Histology (tissue) –cytology(cell) –Developmental Anat.(Prenatal devl.) –Gross, Surface Anat. –Comparative Anat.(humans vs animals) Physiology(Function) –systems phy.(renal, GI) –Cell Phy. –Immunology(Defense)
Anatomy + Physiology –Medical Phys. (phys. Dysfunction and diseases Radiology(structure/function of organs within living body Pathology (Diseased tissue) Pharmacology(Drug Action in the body) biochemistry, molecular biology, microbiology natural products chemistry & informatics, plant physiology Integration and Development
Classification of Organisms Kingdom (Plant and Animal)(animal-eucaryotic cells that lack walls, plastids,and photosynthetic pigments Phylum (Chordata): Dorsal hollow of nerve cord Subphylum (Vertebrata) : Vertebral column Class (Mammalia) : mammary glands, and hair Order (Primates) : brain and prehensile hands Family (Hominidae) Large cerebrum, bipedal locomotion Genus (Homo) : Flattened face, prominent chin and nose with inferiorly positioned nostrils Species (Sapiens) : Largest cerebrum Sub-species
Body Cavity Posterior Cavity –Cranial Cavity –Vertebral Cavity Anterior Cavity –Thoracic Cavity –Abdominopelvic Cavity Abdominal Cavity Pelvic Cavity
Normal Range of Blood Arterial PH Bicarbonate mEq/L Sodium mEq/L Calcium mEq/L Oxygen ml/100 ml Urea12-35 mg/100 ml AA’ mg/100ml Protein g/100ml Total Lipids mg/100 ml Glucose mg/100 ml
Terminology derived Greek and Latin Vermis-worm, cochlea-snail shell, cancer-crab, uvula-grape ( 동식물 ) thyroid-shield, xiphos-sword, thorax-breastplate, Sella-saddle, stapes- stirrup ( 전쟁도구나 환경 ) Directional terms for the Human Body –Superior(toward the top), inferior(toward to the bottom), anterior(front), posterior (back), medial (midline), lateral(the side of body), internal (deep), external(outside), Proximal( 근접, toward to the mail mass), Distal (away from main mass), visceral (related to internal organs), parietal (related to the body wall) Singular and Plural –axilla-axillae, Thorax-thoraces, lumen-lumenia,cortex-cortices, diagnosis-diagnoses, epididymis, epididymides, appendix- appendices, carcinoma-carcinomata, mitochondrion- mitochondria, cilium-cillia, tarsus-tarsi, corpus-corpora, viscus- vicera, pharynx-pharynges, ovary-ovaries