HEALTH SCIENCES DEPARTMENT Health Science Health Studies Health Assessment and Promotion Public Health Education Dietetics Health Services Administration Athletic Training Substance Abuse Prevention Minor
Freshman Advisor Academic Advisor Pre-professional Advisor Major Check list 120 total credit hours Least a 2.0 GPA (cum and major) Last day to add/drop without a W: September 2 nd Last day to drop and get a W: October 23 rd Be flexible when registering for spring courses Starts: October 27 th
KEY LINKS! If Laura Blosser’s advisee: - Changing or adding pre-professions? BIOSCIENCE building 3005
2014 Health Sciences, Health Studies General EducationHealth Studies Prerequisites: Cluster 1: Complete all of the following: Writing CHEM 120 or CHEM 131+ L/CHEM L Communication MATH 220 Statistics Critical Thinking GHTH 100 Personal Wellness Cluster 2: HTH 150-Intro to Health Sciences Human Questions HTH 210-Medical Terminology Arts HTH 231-Population Hth Determinants Literature HTH 245-Foundations of Infectious Disease Cluster 3: HTH 340-Chronic Disease & Disabilities GHTH 100, HTH 150, HTH 210, HTH 231, HTH 245 group 1 HTH 320-Health Statistics GHTH 100, HTH 150, HTH 210, HTH 231, HTH 245 group 2 HTH 351-Health Behavior Change GHTH 100, HTH 150, HTH 210, HTH 231, HTH 245 group 3 HTH 354-US and Global Health Care Systems GHTH 100, HTH 150, HTH 210, HTH 231, HTH 245 Cluster 4: HTH 408-Hth Research Methods HTH 320, HTH 340, HTH 351, HTH 354 American Exp. HTH 423-Ethics & Critical Thinking in Health HTH 320, HTH 340, HTH 351, HTH 354 Global Exp. HTH 450-Epidemiology HTH 320, HTH 340, HTH 351, HTH 354 Cluster 5: Select two of the following: Wellness BIO 270 Human Physiology CHEM 120 or 131 or equivalent and MATH 220 Socio-cultural BIO 280 Allied Health Microbiology CHEM 120, GSCI 101, GBIO 103 or equivalent BIO 290 Human Anatomy GCOM 121 or 122 for Pre-Pharm Select 16 credits from the following: Credits: GPHIL 120 & GPHIL 101 for Pre-MedBIO 114 Organisms4 GANTH 195 for Pre-OTBIO 214 Cell and Molecular Biology4C- or better in BIO 114 & CHEM 131 GSOCI 110 for Pre-PT & MedBIO 224 Genetics and Development4C- or better in BIO 214 GPSYC 160 for Pre-PT BIO 280 Micro (if completed BIO 270 & 290)4CHEM 120, GSCI 101, GBIO 103 or equivalent GPSYC 101 for Pre-OPT & PTBIO 370 Animal Physiology4BIO 214 & CHEM 132 GPSYC 160 & GSOCI 140 for Pre-OTBIO 324 Human Genetics3BIO 224 GPSYC 101 for Pre-MedCHEM 241 Organic Chemistry3C- or better in CHEM 132 CHEM 241L Organic Chemistry Lab1CHEM 241 (Pre-PA, OPTO & Dietetics only) CHEM 260 Biochemistry3CHEM 241 and CHEM 241L CHEM 242 Organic Chemistry3C- or better in CHEM 241 CHEM 242L Organic Chemistry Lab2CHEM 242 (Pre-Med, Pharm, Dent, Vet) PHYS L Physics3 + 1 PHYS L Physics3 + 1C- or better in PHYS 140 GPSYC 101 General Psychology3 GPSYC 160 Developmental Psychology3 PSYC 250 Abnormal Psychology3 HTH 441 Rehabilitative Biomechanics3BIO 290
Health Assessment & Promotion CompletedGeneral EducationCompletedHealth Assessment & Promotion Cluster 1: Health Sciences Core Classes: Writing CHEM 120 or CHEM 131+L/132+L Communication GHTH 100 Personal Wellness Critical Thinking MATH 220 Statistics pre-req: MATH 155, MATH 156 or placement exam Cluster 2: BIO 270 Human Physiology pre-req: CHEM 120 or CHEM 131 and MATH 220 Human Questions BIO 290 Human Anatomy Arts HTH 150 Intro to Health Sciences Literature HTH 210 Medical Terminology Cluster 3: HTH 245 Foundations of Infectious Disease pre/co-req: HTH 230 math 220group 1 HTH 320 Stats for Health Sci pre-req: MATH 220 chem 120/131 group 2 HTH 351 Health Behavior Change pre-req: HTH 230 and MATH 220 bio 270group 3 HTH 408 Health Research Methods pre-req: HTH 230 and senior status Cluster 4: HTH 450 Epidemiology pre-req: HTH 230 and senior status American Exp. Health Assessment & Promotion Classes: Global Exp. NUTR 280 Nutrition for Wellness Cluster 5: ATEP 205 Intro to AT ghth 100Wellness HTH 308 Physiological Responses to Human Movement Spring Only pre-req: BIO 290 Sociocultural HTH 389 Practicum HTH 471 Health Aspect of Gerontology (Do not take spring JR year) NUTR 382 Sports Nutrition Fall Only pre-req: NUTR 280 HTH 441 Rehabilitative Biomechanics pre-req: BIO 290 HTH 442 Chronic Diseases Fall Only pre-req: HTH 308 or KIN 302 and KIN 302L HTH 495 Internship HTH 458 Hth Program Planning and Eval pre-req: HTH 230 and senior status HTH 480 Health Assessment Techniques Fall only pre-req: HTH 308 HTH 482 Advanced Health Assessment Spring Only pre-req: HTH 480
Public Health Education Completed General EducationCompletedPublic Health Education Cluster 1: Complete all of the following: Writing CHEM 120 or CHEM 131+ L /132 + L Communication MATH 220 Statistics pre-req: MATH 155, MATH 156 or math placement exam Critical Thinking GHTH 100 Personal Wellness Cluster 2: NUTR 280 Nutrition for Wellness Human Questions HTH 210 Medical Terminology Arts HTH 230 Community Health pre-req: GHTH 100 Literature HTH 245 Foundations of Infectious Disease pre/co-req: HTH 230 Cluster 3: HTH 351 Health Behavior Change pre/co-req: HTH 230 math 220group 1 HTH 352 Environmental Health pre/co-req: HTH 230 chemgroup 2 HTH 354 U.S. Health Care System bio 270 ?group 3 HTH 370 Child and Adolescent Health pre/co-req: HTH 230 Cluster 4: HTH 372 Human Sexuality pre/co-req: HTH 230 American Exp. HTH 378 Use and Effects of Drugs pre-req: HTH 230 Global Exp. HTH 408 Hth Research Information pre-req: HTH 230 Cluster 5: HTH 450 Epidemiology pre-req: HTH 230 ghth 100Wellness HTH 453 Public Hth Edu Methods pre-req: HTH 230 ; offered FALL ONLY Socio-cultural Any MATH or HTH 320 Stats for Hth Sciences Classes taken Spring Senior Year: HTH 423 Contemporary Health Issues pre-req: HTH 230 and senior status HTH 458 Hth Program Planning and Eval pre-req: HTH 230 and senior status HTH 471 Health Aspect of Gerontology pre-req: HTH 230 HTH 495 Internship pre-req: HTH 230 and senior status Select two: BIO 270 Human Physiology pre-req: CHEM 120 or CHEM 131 and MATH 220 BIO 280 Allied Health Microbiology pre-req: CHEM 120, GSCI 101, GBIO 103 or equivalent BIO 290 Human Anatomy
Dietetics CompletedGeneral EducationCompletedDietetics Cluster 1: CHEM L Writing CHEM L Communication NUTR 280 Nutrition for Wellness Critical Thinking NUTR 295 Foundations of Nutrition Cluster 2: BIO 270 Human Physiologypre-req: CHEM 120 or 131 & MATH 220 Human Questions GPSYC 101 or GPSYC 160 Arts GPOSC 225 U.S. Government Literature MATH 220 Statistics Cluster 3: HTH 300 Medical Terminology math 220group 1 HTH 354 U.S. Health Care System chem 131group 2 CHEM Lpre-req: CHEM 132 and 132L (C- or better) bio 270group 3 CHEM Lpre-req: CHEM 241and 241L Cluster 4: NUTR 340 Science of Food Preparationpre-req: CHEM 131 gposc 225American Exp. NUTR 362 Food Service Systemspre-req: NUTR 280 Global Exp. NUTR 380 Global Nutrition Cluster 5:NUTR 384 Clinical Nutrition Ipre-req: NUTR 280, NUTR 340, NUTR 395 WellnessNUTR 385 Nutrition Throughout Life Cyclepre-req: NUTR 280 gpsyc 101 or 160 Socio-cultural NUTR 395 Intro to Patient Carepre-req: NUTR 280 BIO 280 Microbiologypre-req: CHEM 120 or 131 BIO 290 Human Anatomy NUTR 360 Management in Dieteticspre-req: NUTR 280, NUTR 295 NUTR 363 Quantity Food Productionpre-req: NUTR 280, NUTR 340 NUTR 386 Community Nutritionpre-req: NUTR 280 NUTR 446 Experimental Foodspre-req: NUTR 340, CHEM 221, MATH 220 NUTR 482 Nutrition and Metabolismpre-req: NUTR 280,BIO 270 & 290,CHEM 222,MATH 220 NUTR 484 Clinical Nutrition IIpre-req: NUTR 384, NUTR 482 NUTR 490 Field Experiencepre-req: NUTR 384, NUTR 395 NUTR 495 Senior Seminar
Health Services Administration CompletedGeneral EducationCompletedHealth Services Administration Cluster 1: HSA 290 Gerontology for Hth Services Admin Writing ACTG 244 Accounting for Non-Business Communication COB 204 Computer Information Systems Critical Thinking ECON 201 Microeconomics Cluster 2: HTH 354 U.S. Health Care System Human Questions HSA 385 Seminar Arts MATH 220 Statisticspre-req: MATH 155 or 156 or placement score Literature HTH 320 Stats Methods for Hth Sciencespre-req: MATH 220 Cluster 3: FIN 345 Managerial Financepre-req: COB 241 math 220Group 1 HSA 358 Health Adminpre-req: HTH 354 Group 2 HSA 363 Health Economicspre-req: ECON 201 (not GECON 200) Group 3 HSA 365 Values in Health Carepre-req: HTH 354 Cluster 4: MGT 305 Management and Org Behaviorpre-req: junior status American Exp. MKTG 380 Principles of Marketingpre-req: junior status Global Exp. HSA 463 Quality Management in Health Care Cluster 5: HSA 462 Managed Carepre-req: HSA 358 Wellness HTH 450 Epidemiologypre-req: HTH 230 and permission Sociocultural HSA 454 Internshippre-req: permission HTH 458 Hth Program Planning and Evalpre-req: HTH 230 and permission HSA 466 Health Politics and Policy HSA 464 Funding in Health Carepre-req: COB 204, COB 241, FIN 345 & HTH 320 Select two: HSA 452 Hospital Org and Adminpre-req: HTH 354, HSA 358 HSA 455 Longterm Care Org and Adminpre-req: HTH 354, HSA 358 & GERN 280 HSA 456 Ambulatory Care Org and Adminpre-req: HTH 354, HSA 358
Athletic Training CompletedGeneral EducationCompletedAthletic Training Cluster 1: ATEP 205 Intro to AT Writing BIO 270 Human Physiologypre-req: CHEM 120 or CHEM 131 and MATH 220 Communication BIO 290 Human Anatomy Critical Thinking NUTR 280 Nutrition for Wellness Cluster 2: MATH 220 Statisticspre-req: MATH 155, MATH 156 or placement score Hist/Phil/Cultural HTH 354 U.S. Health Care System Fine Arts ATEP 206 Recognition and Managementpre-req: BIO 290, ATEP 205 Literature ATEP 291 Practicum Cluster 3: ATEP 304A Upper Quarter Evalpre-req: ATEP 206 math 220Calculus/Statistics ATEP 304B Lower Quarter Evalpre-req: ATEP 304A chemGroup 2 ATEP 305 Rehab in AT upperpre-req: BIO 290 bio 270Group 3 ATEP 306 Therapeutic Modalitiespre-req: BIO 270, ATEP 206 Cluster 4: ATEP 307 Acute Care of Injuries & Illnesses American Exp. ATEP 350 Measurement Techniques Global Exp. ATEP 355 Infectious Disease Control Cluster 5: ATEP 392 Level 2 - Practicum Wellness ATEP 393 Level 3 - Practicumpre-req: HTH 392 Sociocultural ATEP 377 Gen Medicine in AT ATEP 378 Assessment Skills in AT HTH 441 Rehabilitative Biomechanicspre-req: BIO 290 ATEP 376 Pharmacology ATEP 405 Rehab in AT lowerpre-req: ATEP 305 ATEP 406 Org/Admin of AT ATEP 494 Level 4 - Practicumpre-req: HTH 393 ATEP 495 Level 5 - Practicumpre-req: HTH 494 KIN 302 Physiology of Muscular Activitypre-req: KIN 202 and BIO 270 or BIO 370 KIN 302L Physiology of Muscular Activity NUTR 382 Sports Nutritionpre-req: NUTR 280