Introduction to Anatomy B. Pharm lecture 1 Dr Abubakr H Mossa Sr. Instructor 2/10/2012
Lecture outline: Definition of Anatomy – Importance – Branches of Anatomy What are we going to study in this course? – Difficulties you may face in studying Anatomy Variations Anatomical position Anatomical planes Anatomical terms Terms of movements Body regions & cavities Human body systems
Definition of Anatomy Is the study of the structure of the human body at different levels. This includes the gross, microscopic (cellular) and developmental (embryonic) levels. Importance: – To be able to understand the effects of the disease. – To be able to intervene when necessary
Branches of Anatomy: Gross Anatomy: the study of the body structure by the naked eye. – Regional (topographical) study. – Systemic study. Histology: the study of the body tissues with aid of the microscope. Surface Anatomy: the study of the relationship between the deep structures and the relatively constant surface features.
Branches of Anatomy; Radiological Anatomy: the study of the body structure by the use of radiological techniques. Developmental Anatomy (Embryology): the study of the developmental events of the embryo. Neuro-anatomy: the study of the structure of the parts of the nervous system.
What are we going to study in this semester? Difficulties you may face in studying Anatomy: -No logical beginning → wait! -A lot to memorize → attend dissection -Strange terminology → try to find the meaning Introduction to Anatomy Histology: general and systemic GIT, respiratory and cardiovascular systems
Variation Humans show different aspects of variation Least in CNS and most in the venous system Don’t get confused!!
Anatomical position Is a reference for the anatomical description in which the individual is: – Standing in the erect position – Face & eyes directed forward – Hands by the sides with palms facing forward – Heels together with big toes pointing forward
Anatomical planes
Median or sagittal plane: is the vertical plane which divides the body into left and right halves. Any plane parallel to the median is called parasagittal or paramedian. Coronal plane: a vertical plane at right angle to the median plane and divides the body into anterior and posterior parts. Transverse (horizontal) plane: lies at right angles to both coronal and median. Oblique plane.
Anatomical terms Back Rear Front Nearer to the head Nearer to the feet Closer to midline Further from the midline
Comparative and embryological terms Comparative or embryological terms Descriptive terms VentralAnterior DorsalPosterior Rostral, cranial or cephalicSuperior CaudalInferior
Terms for limbs Near and far from the trunk (in case of limbs preaxial Postaxial The lateral border The medial border Flexor and extensor side?
Other terms: Inside, interior, internal X exterior, external Invagination X evagination Superficial X deep Ipsilateral X contralateral Bilateral X unilateral
Terms of movement Flex = bend Extend = straighten
Terms of movement Abduction Adduction Circumduction Lateral rotation Medial rotation
Terms of movement retrusion protrusion protraction retraction
Terms of movement supination pronation
Body regions & cavities Regions: – Head (cephalic) – Neck )cervical) – Thorax (chest) – Abdomen (+ pelvis) – Upper & lower limbs – Back Cavities: – Cranial – Thoracic – Abdominopelvic
Organization of human body
Body systems