The Articles of Confederation An alliance of the 13 states into a new country.
Planning a New Government Americans rejected British rule and culture. Americans needed new political organizations at both the state and national levels.
Planning a New Government In 1776, the Second Continental Congress appointed a committee to write a plan for a new national government. This committee was known as the Confederation Committee.
What are the Articles of Confederation? The Articles of Confederation were America’s first formal plan for a central, national government.
Planning a New Government “Articles” – sections of a treaty, a contract, or a constitution (plan of government) “Confederation” – an alliance of states or countries for a common purpose MacMillan School Dictionary 2, (1990)
What did the Articles of Confederation say? The relationship between the states was to be “a firm league of friendship.” Each state would retain “its sovereignty, freedom, and independence.”
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Structure of Government The new United States of America had only one “branch” of government. Congress had the sole authority to govern the United States of America. Each state could send 2 to 7 delegates The Congress had a “president” who managed meetings for a one-year term There was NO national court system
Things Congress Could do The new national government was called the “Confederation Congress.” Congress had the authority to: 1. conduct foreign affairs (diplomacy) 2. maintain a military force (army + navy)for the defense of the nation 3. declare war and make peace
Things Congress Could do The new national government was called the “Confederation Congress.” Congress had the authority to: 4. borrow money (from states, private citizens + other countries) 5. issue currency (paper money + coins)
Things Congress Could do The new national government was called the “Confederation Congress.” Congress had the authority to: 6. pass laws (9/13 states must agree) 7. manage western lands and make treaties with Native Americans 8. establish a postal system for communication
Things Congress Could NOT do 1. stop states from printing their own money 2. regulate interstate and international trade deals 3. impose taxes on the states or the people of the USA 4. draft men into the army or navy
Things Congress Could NOT do 5. force states to send men into the army or navy 6. create a president or king to control the whole government 7. solve disputes between the states 8. force the states to obey the laws…
Things States Could do Each state could send a delegation to the new Congress but had only one vote. Each state had the authority to: 1. conduct trade w/states + countries 2. maintain a state militia 3. place taxes on people of that state 4. enforce/ignore laws of the Congress 5. anything not prohibited by Congress
Adopting The Articles The Continental Congress agreed to the Articles in November 1777 and became the “Confederation Congress.” Each state had to vote individually to adopt the Articles. Articles were adopted in March 1781. Articles stayed in effect about 9 years.
One Obvious Problem… The “United States” was fighting a war with Great Britain. Congress could not draft men into the military. Congress could not tax the people or states to raise money.
One Unforeseen Problem… States began to claim land west of the Appalachian Mtns. Some states claimed the same land… mini-mercantilism Created tension between some states.
Articles Need an Overhaul Within a few years it was obvious that the Articles had serious problems: 1. Congress had (very) limited power 2. every national law needed 9 votes to pass (75%) 3. every change to the Articles needed 13 votes to pass (100%) 4. Congress had no money and was in debt ($75 million)
Achievements of the Articles Despite its weaknesses, the Congress and the Articles did accomplish three things: 1. They contributed to the military victory over the British, securing Independence for the United States of America.
Achievements of the Articles 2. They organized a system to develop new states in the land west of the Appalachian Mountains.
Achievements of the Articles 3. They established rules for an official USA flag.
The Articles of Confederation An alliance of the 13 states into a new country.