Interdisciplinary Integration and Research Directions CMOP possesses a wide range of interdisciplinary research assets - Biological - Chemical - Physical Joined by a shared vision for understanding the dynamics of the river to ocean system through observations and modeling
2 As described in earlier presentations, there are multiple river - ocean gradients in properties and processes: hydrographic temperature and salinity micro- and macronutrients microbial assemblages and activity production, gene expression primary producers and consumers rates of production and loss
3 As outlined this morning, there are multiple river - ocean gradients in properties and processes: hydrographic (temperature, salinity) macro- and micronutrients microbial communities microbial activity (production, gene expression) primary producers and consumers rates of production and loss However, the full river-ocean gradient in any property or process is not continuous, but a sequence of steps and plateaus whose boundaries shift in response to variations in forcing
4 Research Questions CMOP research questions are organized around these gradients and their changing expression under different conditions of wind, tides, and river discharge. For example, - How do the location and slope of the gradients between regions (plume, estuary, river) respond to variations in forcing?
5 Research Questions Our questions are organized around these gradients and their changing expression under different conditions of wind, tides, and river discharge. - How do the location and slope of the gradients between regions (plume, estuary, river) respond to variations in forcing? - To what extent does each region (plume, estuary, river) maintain its ecological identity across the range of forcing?
6 Research Questions Our questions are organized around these gradients and their changing expression under different conditions of wind, tides, and river discharge. - How do the location and slope of the gradients between regions (plume, estuary, river) respond to variations in forcing? - To what extent does each region maintain its ecological identity across the range of forcing? - Which key parameters serve as indicators of change? How well do those indicators function across different time scales?
7 Research Foci for Years 3 and 4 Three broad research categories form the foundation for CMOP research planned for the next two years. - We will use fixed and mobile platforms (autonomous + ships) to identify and quantify temporal and spatial variability - We will assess the effect of large scale forcing on regional river to ocean processes - We will improve our capability to forecast river to ocean conditions through extensive data - model comparisons The following examples illustrate a few of research directions that fall within these categories.
8 Spatial and temporal variability Comparison of surface velocities near the CR mouth based on HF radar and a mooring N S N S 90 days 30 days Note the altered pattern of velocities beginning 19 July. Tidal influence on velocities disappeared for 4 days. from Kosro July
9 Integration across the domain reveals the spatial pattern in variance of surface velocities Temporal variation in radial velocity along an arc located 20 km from the river mouth Spatial and temporal variability Aug Radial vel in 20 km bin S/N
10 Remote forcing Regional domain Alongshore velocity depends on source of wind forcing observed Modeled with remote forcing Remote wind stress Local wind stress from Samelson and Rivas Modeled with local forcing Remote forcing nfluences boundary conditions for CMOP circulation and ecosystem models
11 Nov 13, local 2m salinity prediction observed by vessel Our observational framework provides for model validation and testing using data from fixed and mobile components. Essential for CMOP ecosystem and circulation models. Model - data comparisons Adaptive sampling based on model predictions is a key CMOP goal
12 Research Foci for Years 3 and 4 Three research components form the foundation for CMOP research in the next two years - We will use fixed and mobile platforms (autonomous + ships) to identify and quantify temporal and spatial variability, particularly in the context of microbial communities and processes - We will assess the effect of large scale forcing on regional river to ocean processes in the circulation and ecosystem models - We will improve our capability to forecast river to ocean conditions through extensive data - model comparisons for circulation and ecosystem models