Can IT Save the NHS? Dr Yvette Oade Chief Medical Officer
Can IT Save the NHS What are the problems – Demand – Demographics – Complexity – Workforce – Money
30 years of progress Imaging Medical Record Knowledge – literature search Outcome data
5 year Clinical Business Strategy 15,000 staff Over 100 specialties 19 CSUs Every one of them said IT was part of their solution
What will your Medical Director be worrying about?
LTHT Trust apportioned CDI cases per quarter Todays Problems
Falls Improvement
Mortality Rates
Reduce cardiac arrest calls by 70% on pilot wards by July 2015 Identify and respond to deterioration Culture, teamwork and accountability Effective management of life threatening medical conditions Taking timely action on NEWS Primary drivers Secondary drivers Goal End of Life Care Own/ understand, and act on your data Identify education and support needs to change local practice and behaviours Strengthen team working – celebrate success Timely Identification of all patients approaching end of life Timely Advance Care Planning (with DNA CPR discussions ) We want to reduce avoidable deaths in our Trust
Never Events
What do our patients want? Reliable and Effective Care Basic care Infection Mortality Every element of the bundle Good communication With themselves and their family With each other – clinical team Accurate records Seamless Care Into and out of hospital
Building a Culture of Compassionate Care Having confidence in our care Making it easy to do the right thing Using care bundles Measuring our compliance Reducing variation without removing clinical judgement Showing real improvement
Which patient do you want to be? Patient Process ABCD Admit ASUYesNoYes 75% CT scan in 12 hours NoYes 75% Consultant review in 12 hours NoYes No 50% Swallow assess in 24 hours YesNoYes 75% 50% 100%75% 25%
Can IT solve patient safety problems? PACS Order Comms
e-Observations [Image removed]
e-Prescribing [Image removed]
Small sample of one! Ask one junior doctor – Can IT Save the NHS? Too many systems Not joined up They never work properly Nobody takes any notice of what we tell them Its about behaviours not IT
Engaging future medical leaders
MES: Medical Engagement Scores
Medical Engagement Scales: Relative Normative Feedback for Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (n=399)
HighMediumLow Medical Engagement Index 20.5%9.8%69.7% Meta-Scale 1: Working in a Collaborative Culture 21.0%18.3%65.4% Meta-Scale 2: Having Purpose and Direction 14.8%10.0%79.7% Meta-Scale 3: Feeling Valued & Empowered 22.1%8.3%69.7% Percentage of Respondents (n = 399) who fell into High, Medium and Low Normative Bands
Lessons from Most Engaged Trusts Leadership is stable, relationship oriented and leading by example Future oriented and outward looking culture Attention to selection and appointment of the right doctors to leadership roles Providing accessible leadership development and support High profile induction, organisation wide, emphasising organisational values, priorities A series of improvement projects involving doctors (at every level) and other staff, reported to Board Effective two way communication, acknowledged and valued Promote understanding, trust and respect between doctors and managers Clarity of roles, responsibilities and real empowerment of doctors Setting expectations, enforcing professional behaviour and firm decision making
Features of Successful Clinical Leaders Vision Bravery and resilience Mentoring and coaching Recognise opportunities Optimism Developing network Clinical credibility
So, where did we start?
Patient-centred Fair Accountable Collaborative Empowered Our values, goals and vision Our Values Our Goals Our Vision The best for patient safety, quality and experience The best place to work A centre of excellence for specialist services, research, education and innovation Seamless integrated care across organisational boundaries Financial sustainability To be the best for specialist and integrated care Patient-centred Fair Accountable Collaborative Empowered The Leeds Way
What staff engagement looks like #TheLeedsWay
IT can be a lifeline for the NHS