How To Prevent Cancer By Amber Bickhardt
Can Cancer Be Prevented? YES! Cancer can be prevented. As impossible it may sound, cancer can be prevented. Here are some ways, and if you feel you may be at risk of cancer read this and consult with your doctor.
Tabacco Tabacco is the most preventable cause of death. About 180, 000 Americans die of tabacco caused cancer each year. Not smoking can prevent you and others from getting cancer. Not just smokers are at risk of tabacco caused cancer. Breathing in the smoke can cause risk, so avoid being around tabacco smoke. People who use non-smoking tabacco or chewing tabacco are at even greater risk, so don’t do that either. Not smoking, or using non-smoking tabacco will help prevent you from getting cancer.
Sunlight Sunlight is good and all and some of us enjoy the sun, but even our friendly sun can be danger to us. Our sun radiates UV (Ultraviolet Radiation) along with sun lamps and tanning booths. UV rays age the skin and may cause skin cancer. To prevent this avoid going out in the sun during mid-day, where sunglasses that absorb UV rays, where a hat with a wide brim. Dark clothing absorb UV rays, so avoid wearing light clothing and where long sleeves to cover up your arms.
Ionizing Radiation Radioactive fallout, radon gas, and x-rays are all forms of Ionizing Radiation that can cause cancer. Radon gas comes from rocks and soil; some countries have in their homes. Test your house for high radon gas. Doctors use X-ray machines to take pictures of the inside of the body. Talk to your doctor about shields to cover up parts of the body that won’t be in the picture. To avoid radioactive fallout, avoid living in cities or towns powered by Nuclear power plants.
Alcohol Each day having two drinks can increase your chances of getting cancer. Don’t drink too much for too long, and when you do drink, drink responsibly.
Stress Yes, stress. Doctors are slowly beginning to wonder if stress can cause cancer by lowering your immune system. It is not a definite cause but should still be taken into consideration. If you are under stress, see someone. Talk about the issues that you believe is causing you to have stress.
Be Healthy! Be Healthy! Having a healthy diet and being active will increase you immune system to cancer. Eat healthy things, such as fruits and vegtibal. Be active! Exercise everyday and have fun with others!