Where there is love, there is God
Regina Coeli Year 4 St. Andrew’s and St. Maria’s
Teacher: Miss Thoreau Mrs Tiernan Teacher: Mrs Harding Mrs Curtis, Mrs Barr Please don’t hesitate to get in touch. The best time to discuss arranging a meeting is after school, but please feel free to call the office and make an appointment.
Autumn Term Curriculum Map
Drop off: Gates open at 8:40am children come straight to class. Register closes at 9:00am. Pick Up: Children with KS1 / EYFS siblings go to their brother / sister's class to be collected. Every other child should be collected from KS2 playground (by our steps) at 3:15pm. New Drop off and pick up arrangements
We believe that it is the small things that contribute to the successful attitudes and ethos that we have... We expect all our pupils to adhere to our uniform policy, wear their uniform with pride and take care of it. Uniform Please no – nail varnish, bright hair bands, trainers or make-up. Please help your children be smart by following the uniform policy:
Please make sure PE kits are in school on Mondays and go home on Fridays to be washed. We need kits in school throughout the week for cross-curricular links. P.E. Summer: Green Shorts, yellow T-shirt, trainers. Winter: Green tracksuit with yellow t- shirt and trainers – by end of October half term. Swimming – negotiating with Thomas Moore but we should be swimming this year!
Maths – daily. Quite short and focused on our learning in class to help embed concepts and strategies. Homework Reading – daily. It’s great for your son / daughter to read aloud for 10 minutes a day. You will all have seen the reading journals that you should sign each day. Spellings: children should use ‘Look, cover, write, check’ in their books and write 3 sentences containing the spelling each night to show they understand their meaning and how to use them. Tests will be on a Friday.
Questions About Year Four?
Changes! It’s been a busy, busy summer! We are sure you have noticed some changes in our school environment. Interactive Projectors New bathrooms Corridors freshly painted New carpet in the library New laptops …to name but a few Please take a few moments to have a look around and see them for yourselves!