Welcome to Year2 The children will enter through the back playground at A TA from each class will be at the door to take any messages. Please allow your child to enter on their own as it supports their independence. If you would like to see your child’s teacher please tell the TA at the door. If it is urgent then the TA can inform the teacher straight away. If it is not urgent then a convenient time can be arranged. Please remind your child to place letters into the tray in the classroom. There will not be time for the TAs to look through book bags. Please collect your child from the back playground at 3.15.
Daily Routines. Each day the children will enter the classroom and go straight to their ‘Target Basket’ which has activities to complete at their table as all the children arrive and settle. After registration the children will take part in phonics, followed by numeracy. After assembly and playtime the children will take part in guided reading and handwriting and literacy. After lunch the children will focus on science, history, geography, art, DT, PE, Music, PHSE, ICT and RE ( lessons usually based on the topic).
Reading Please read with your child every day. They need to do this to practice all the words they have learnt. Your child will read at school during guided reading time. Please make sure they have their book and reading record in school everyday. Children will be more independent at changing their reading book.
Phonics The children will continue to practice ‘Floppy phonics’ every day. Through out the year the children will begin to look at what happens to words when you add ‘ed’ or ‘ing’ and suffixes ( es, ies est ) The children will be learning all the alternative ways of spelling sounds that they may already know For example or = oor, ore, aw, au, al, a and oar.
Homework Homework will be in their homework books. Each child will receive homework on Friday and it needs to be returned on the following Wednesday. Your child will receive phonics homework,in a red folder, on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please ensure that your child’s phonic folder is in their book bag EVERY DAY.
Spellings Spellings will take place during Friday’s phonic session. They will be randomly selected from the phonics homework that has gone home during the week and from the sheets covered in the class. Separate spellings will not be sent home.
PE PE lessons will be on Monday and Wednesday. PE Kit needs to contain shorts, T shirt, plimsolls or trainers. In Winter, the children also need a warm track suit. PLEASE ENSURE THAT PE KIT IS NAMED!!!! PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT CHILDREN DO NOT WEAR EARRINGS ON MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY.
Topics/Trips Wings, wheels and things that fly ( Intech) Rats! Disease! Fire! ( Visit the fire station) National Celebrations ( The Royal Ball) Australia Things that go bump in the night! ( Owl man visit) How does my garden grow ( Moors Valley)
Can you help? Could you spare some time to come and help with Reading Gardening Sewing and crafts Displays and organising