Henrik Schiøler Konstruktion, modellering og validering af sikkerhedskritiske SW systemer
2 Why CISS ? zIncreasing demands in electronic equipments for yuser friendliness, yflexibility, ysmall size and weight ylow power consumption yconnectivity everywhere at all times drive the needs for higher levels of software realization !
3 Why CISS ? zThis applies not least to portable systems with wireless communication facilities as well as medical equipments.
4 Why CISS ? zApplication areas ymobile and wireless communication products yautomotive and avionic systems yconsumer electronics (e.g. audio and video) ymedico-technical equipment yBuilding automation ysmart devices ytoys and games ytextiles
5 Who is CISS ? Institute of Computer Science Institute of Computer Science Institute of Electronic Systems Institute of Electronic Systems Modelling and Validation; Programming Languages; Software Engineering Modelling and Validation; Programming Languages; Software Engineering Embedded Systems Communication; HW/SW Power Management Embedded Systems Communication; HW/SW Power Management Distributed Real Time Systems Control Theory; Real Time Systems; Networking. Distributed Real Time Systems Control Theory; Real Time Systems; Networking. UCb ICT Companies
6 Typical Activities zCo-financed R&D projects and case-studies zIndustrial training and education zSeminars, workshops and networks of knowledge transfer and exchange zPh.D. and industrial Ph.D. projects zVisiting Guest researchers zStudent projects
7 Theory and Methodology Technology Applications, Solutions, Benefits Innovation, Ideas, Pervation
8 Topics
9 Clusters Model Based Development of Embedded Software Intelligent Sensor Networks Embedded & RT Platform LAB Safety Critical Software Systems Embedded System Validation & Testing HW/SW Co-Design, Design Space Exploration
10 Safety Critical Software Systems Clusters Model Based Development of Embedded Software Intelligent Sensor Networks Embedded & RT Platform LAB Embedded System Validation & Testing HW/SW Co-Design, Design Space Exploration Safety Critical Software Systems “THE” CISS Development Handbook
11 SW Development of Info-tech. Systems Functional demands Development cost/resources Time to market Info-tech. system
12 Embedded systems Functional demands Development cost/resources Time to market Embedded Info-tech. system Performance demands Timeliness Reliability Technological resource bounds CPU speed Memory Power Comm. bandwidth
13 Functional Safety
14 Safety Integrity Levels (SIL)
15 Safety Lifecycle
16 Realization
17 SW Safety Lifecycle
18 SW Design and Development
19 Safety Integrity
20 SW Safety Integrity
21 Requirement Specification
22 SW Architectural Design
23 Detailled Design
24 Language and tools
25 Module and IntegrationTesting
26 Integration and Validation
27 Performance modelling
28 Performance Modelling
29 Performance Modelling Scheduling Theory Timed Petri Nets Timed Automata Deterministic Network Analysis
30 Scheduling Theory Well established Covers a variety of scheduling principles; RMA,DMA, EDF,… Works for both preemptive and non preemptive scheduling Takes critical instants into account; Priority Ceiling. Does not cover other IPC patterns, e.g. prod./cons. (message passing) Tools available: TimeWIZ, RapidRMA, TIMES,..
31 Timed Automata Well established General setup Does not directly cover scheduling problems Assertions verifiable May be computationally intractable – especially for asynchronous communication (message passing) Tools available: UPPAAL, Kronos,..
32 Timed Petri Nets Well established Mentioned in Very general Assertions hardly verifiable for other than D-nets, M-nets Tools available: TPN-tools, TimeNET
33 Deterministic Network Calculus Well established for buffer and delay dimensioning in network communication May be used for modelling message-passing in real time systems – transaction response times Abstract, overapproximating, conservative (good for safety ?) Computationally tractable Min/Plus, Max/Plus filtering theory Tools available: ??
UPPAAL Modelling and Verification of Real Time systems UPPAAL2k > 2000 users > 45 countries UPPAAL2k > 2000 users > 45 countries See !!!! See !!!!
35 Timed Automata n m a Alur & Dill 1990 Clocks: x, y x 3 x := 0 Guard Boolean combination of integer bounds on clocks and clock-differences. Reset Action perfomed on clocks Transitions ( n, x=2.4, y= ) ( n, x=3.5, y= ) e(1.1) ( n, x=2.4, y= ) ( m, x=0, y= ) a State ( location, x=v, y=u ) where v,u are in R Action used for synchronization
36 Cruise Control When the car ignition is switched on and the on button is pressed, the current speed is recorded and the system is enabled: it maintains the speed of the car at the recorded setting. Pressing the brake, accelerator or off button disables the system. Pressing resume or on re- enables the system. buttons
37 Model Structure The CONTROL system is structured as two processes. The main actions and interactions are as shown. The CONTROL system is structured as two processes. The main actions and interactions are as shown. Cruise Control Cruise Control Speed Control Speed Control User Engine engineOn engineOff on off resume brake accelerator clearSpeed recordSpeed enablecontrol disablecontrol dSpeed cSpeed acc
38 User Engine
39 The CARA System Computer Assisted Resuscitation System Purpose: automate delivery of intravenous fluids to injured persons in catastrophic situations Comprises: software to: monitor patient’s blood pressure control a high-output infusion pump
40 System Structure
41 UPPAAL model
42 Traditional Software Development The Waterfall Model Analyse Design Implementation Testing Costly in time-to-market and money Errors are detected late or never Application of FM’s as early as possible Problem Area Running System REVIEWS
43 Modelbased Validation Design ModelSpecification Verification & Refusal Analysis Validation FORMAL METHODS Implementation Testing UML
44 Modelbased Validation Design ModelSpecification Verification & Refusal Analysis Validation FORMAL METHODS Implementation Testing UML Automatic Code generation
45 Modelbased Validation Design ModelSpecification Verification & Refusal Analysis Validation FORMAL METHODS Implementation Testing UML Automatic Code generation Automatic Test generation
46 Safety Research Activities Model based validation (UPPAAL) (K. G. Larsen, A. Skou) Model based testing (B. Nielsen) Realiable control systems (J. Stoustrup) Structural analysis for complex systems (R. I-Zamanabadi) Impact of Scheduling Policies on Controller Performance (H. Schiøler, A. P. Ravn, J. Dalsgaard) Reliability Resource Reservation Protocol (RRSVP) (H. Schiøler)
47 Control Systems
48 Reliable (Fault tolerant) Control
49 Reliable (Fault tolerant) Control
50 Reliable (Fault tolerant) Control
51 Structural Analysis Problem: Given a system, consisting of a set of components, we would like to develope a method to analyse the system and determine the possibility of detecting different faults under the following conditions, System parameters are not known Linear as well as nonlinear dynamics Complexity (large systems)
52 Structural model representation Consider the system as a set of components, each imposing a relation, f i between a set of variables z j. System:
53 Structural model representation 2 Systems structural graph is a tripartite directed graph:
54 Matching concept The main purpose of developing a matching algorithm is to identify the over-determined part of the system. The principle of matching algorithm:
55 Design Tool for Structural Analysis (DTSA)
57 Contact Info (hjemmeside) (Kim G. Larsen, leder) (Henrik Schiøler, m.f.u) (Peter Koch, m.f.u) (Arne Skou, m.f.u)